XML News from Friday, April 15, 2005

IBM's developerWorks has published Managing XML data: A look ahead. This is the first article in an ongoing series in which I intend to explore issues that arise in collections of XML documents. Up till now a lot of my books and writings have focused on how to process individual XML documents. However, some things that are easy when looking at documents one or two at a time become much more challenging when you have hundreds, thousands, or even millions to deal with. For instance, how do you even find the one document that contains the informaiton you need from amidst such a large collection? There's not a lot in XML and its related specification to help you with this. This first article introduces the series. Future articles will cover catalogs, MIME types, storing XML in databases, and more. If there's anything in particular you'd like to hear about in this series, please drop me a line.