XML News from Wednesday, July 14, 2004

After a two-year absence, Yuval Oren has resurfaced and released Piccolo 1.0.4, a non-validating, open source SAX parser written in Java. In my initial tests, this version is much improved over 1.0.3 although there are still a few bugs where the wrong exception is thrown or ID and IDREF type attributes aren't normalized properly. I need to update and rerun my SAX conformance tests. The GNU JAXP folks have raised a couple of issues with some of the test cases out on the corners, so I'll need to fix those first. But in the meantime, I plugged Piccolo into XOM's unit test suite (all of which passes with Xerces 2.6.1 under JDK 1.4.2_02 on Linux) and there were 18 test failures. Still, that's a lot better than it did before. Besides bug fixes, this release changes the license fron LGPL to Apache License 2.0.

Oracle has also released version of the Oracle XML Developer's Kit for both Java and C++. This is available for AIX, HP-UX64 and LINUX. New features in this release include:

Registration is required to download it. After plugging the Oracle parser into XOM's test suite, there were 19 test failures. Some of them looked like things I could work around in XOM if it seemed important, particularly with respect to incorrect decodings of characters in certain ISO character sets.