CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 6.49.0.


File Project Line
org/jaxen/dom4j/DocumentNavigator.java jaxen 100
org/jaxen/jdom/DocumentNavigator.java jaxen 96
private static class Singleton
        /** Singleton instance.
        private static DocumentNavigator instance = new DocumentNavigator();

    /** Retrieve the singleton instance of this <code>DocumentNavigator</code>.
    public static Navigator getInstance()
        return Singleton.instance;

    public boolean isElement(Object obj)
        return obj instanceof Element;

    public boolean isComment(Object obj)
        return obj instanceof Comment;

    public boolean isText(Object obj)
        return ( obj instanceof Text 
                 obj instanceof CDATA );

    public boolean isAttribute(Object obj)
        return obj instanceof Attribute;

    public boolean isProcessingInstruction(Object obj)
        return obj instanceof ProcessingInstruction;

    public boolean isDocument(Object obj)
        return obj instanceof Document;

    public boolean isNamespace(Object obj)
        return obj instanceof Namespace;
File Project Line
org/jaxen/expr/DefaultEqualityExpr.java jaxen 108
org/jaxen/expr/DefaultRelationalExpr.java jaxen 118
private Boolean evaluateSetSet( List lhsSet, List rhsSet, Navigator nav )
      /* If both objects to be compared are node-sets, then the comparison will be 
       * true if and only if there is a node in the first node-set and a node in 
       * the second node-set such that the result of performing the comparison on 
       * the string-values of the two nodes is true */
      if( setIsEmpty( lhsSet ) || setIsEmpty( rhsSet ) ) {
            return Boolean.FALSE;
    for( Iterator lhsIterator = lhsSet.iterator(); lhsIterator.hasNext(); )
      Object lhs = lhsIterator.next();
      for( Iterator rhsIterator = rhsSet.iterator(); rhsIterator.hasNext(); )
        Object rhs = rhsIterator.next();
        if( evaluateObjectObject( lhs, rhs, nav ) )
          return Boolean.TRUE;
    return Boolean.FALSE;
  private boolean evaluateObjectObject( Object lhs, Object rhs, Navigator nav )
    if( eitherIsBoolean( lhs, rhs ) )