2006 Readings about XML
- » Google Maps API team says: Stop it! (blogs.zdnet.com)
- Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) (www.useit.com)
- How the anti-copyright lobby makes big business richer (The Register)
- Why PUT and DELETE? (Artima)
- First, ‘War Games’ the Movie; Now, MGM Wants the Web Site (New York Times)
- Wikipedia founder to create user-driven search engine (arstechnica.com)
- HEXUS.net : Opinion : Social network users have ruined their privacy, forever : Page - 1/1 (www.hexus.net)
- FCW.com News - DOD bars use of HTML e-mail, Outlook Web Access (www.fcw.com)
- Linux.com | Librarians stake their future on open source (enterprise.linux.com)
- Monkey Bites (blog.wired.com)
- Next little thing 2007 - An ATM for books - December 1, 2006 (money.cnn.com)
- Police blotter: Google searches nab wireless hacker (news.com)
- A Rendezvous With Microsoft's Deep Throat (www.businessweek.com)
- Podge and Rodge: YouTube Brings Gem from Ireland (www.mp3newswire.net)
- The Digital Media Winners and Losers of 2006 (www.mp3newswire.net)
- Mozilla Firefox (www.technologyreview.com)
- Blake Ross on Firefox » Tip: Trust is hard to gain, easy to lose. (www.blakeross.com)
- Can-Spam Law 'Big Disappointment' (Techweb)
- Google "disappears" sex blogs? UPDATED (www.boingboing.net)
- Now Microsoft Wants Its Laptop Back (marshallk.com)
- No Tunes For You: iTunes Store Gags on Christmas Download Traffic - Gizmodo (www.gizmodo.com)
- The day the internet became cable television: Dec. 29, 2006 (scrawford.blogware.com)
- Google Book-Scanning Efforts Spark Debate (Washington Post)
- The end of SOAP (www.1060.org)
- Beginning of the end for open web data APIs? (www.megginson.com)
- 10 Principles of SOA (www.innoq.com)
- An Antic Disposition: A Leap Back (www.robweir.com)
- Bob Sutor: Open Blog | Is Open XML a one way specification for most people? (www.sutor.com)
- Shebanation: Is Office Open XML A One-Way Standard? Ask Microsoft (blogs.adobe.com)
- Google's true search market share is 70% (Skrentablog) (www.skrenta.com)
- BBC NEWS | Technology | BBC moves to file-sharing sites (BBC)
- Fake real-time blog from XML 2006: day one...some more - O'Reilly XML Blog (www.oreillynet.com)
- Fake real-time blog from XML 2006: day one (www.oreillynet.com)
- Google Search Appliance proxystylesheet Flaws (metasploit.com)
- XML 2006 Return to where it all began (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Offline Involuntarily (New York Times)
- Security Reference Guide > How Not To Use Cookies (www.informit.com)
- Google Deprecates Their SOAP Search API (radar.oreilly.com)
- Suburbs against the U(ni)verse: the battle over AT&T's fiber rollout (arstechnica.com)
- Goodbye TV, Hello Broadband (Wired)
- Steve Jobs' iPhone could change the wireless business. - Dec. 15, 2006 (money.cnn.com)
- Modern Programming: Why innerHTML can ruin your AJAX applications (systemcoder.blogspot.com)
- A response from an accessibility consultant from BlindSurfer (veerle.duoh.com)
- ThoughtStorms: ModelViewController (www.nooranch.com)
- Seven Habits of Highly Successful Websites (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought) (www.aaronsw.com)
- .docx support has some ways to go (news.office-watch.com)
- Improve your forms using HTML5! (dev.opera.com)
- Security specialist leaves PHP security team (www.heise-security.co.uk)
- XML 2006 : souvenirs, souvenirs (xmlfr.org)
- Craigslist Meets the Capitalists (dealbook.blogs.nytimes.com)
- A first look at Firefox 3.0 (arstechnica.com)
- InfoQ: Interview: Pete Lacey Criticizes Web Services (www.infoq.com)
- SECOND LIFE: A story too good to check - Valleywag (www.valleywag.com)
- Validation considered harmful (www.coactus.com)
- Macworld: Opinion: Microsoft makes a Basic mistake with Office 2007 (www.macworld.com)
- Protectors, too, profit from ID theft (news.com)
- Iraq Diggers silenced | The Courier-Mail (www.news.com.au)
- Senator: Illegal images must be reported (news.com)
- Technical Revenue: The Architecture of Mailinator (paultyma.blogspot.com)
- IE7: Redmond, we have a problem (www.metacase.com)
- iTunes sales 'collapsing' (The Register)
- Anil Dash: How Matt Haughey Beat Google (www.dashes.com)
- For Google, the YouTube litigation threat was overblown. - Dec. 8, 2006 (money.cnn.com)
- Federal judge: Making files available for download = distribution (arstechnica.com)
- The Anti-Google FAQ (blog.outer-court.com)
- O'Reilly Radar > Book Search Should Work Like Web Search (radar.oreilly.com)
- Ed Foster's Gripelog || The eBay Gulag (www.gripe2ed.com)
- Hottest Ad Space in Times Square May Be on Tourists’ Cameras (New York Times)
- In Web Traffic Tallies, Intruders Can Say You Visited Them (New York Times)
- E-Gold Gets Tough on Crime (Wired)
- Macworld: Opinion: Microsoft makes a Basic mistake with Office 2007 (www.macworld.com)
- What Porn Can Teach Us About “Piracy” (www.plagiarismtoday.com)
- Mozilla commits to collaborating with Linux distros (www.linux.com)
- Oracle Exec Lobbies For 'Zorba' Open-Source XQuery Engine - Database, Software, Roger Bamford (www.crn.com)
- Microsoft wins industry standard status for Office (www.iht.com)
- Brendan's Roadmap Updates: Mozilla 2 (weblogs.mozillazine.org)
- Slashdot | Mozilla People Answer Firefox 2.0 Questions (interviews.slashdot.org)
- Google's talent may be headed out the door - Dec. 5, 2006 (money.cnn.com)
- An open letter to domain registrars (www.f-secure.com)
- Microsoft Issues Word Zero-Day Attack Alert (www.eweek.com)
- Cell Phones Freed! Poor Suffer? (Wired)
- Web Pages That Suck presents the biggest web design mistakes in 2004 learn usability and good Web design by looking at bad Web design (www.webpagesthatsuck.com)
- Easily Open .docx On A Mac (www.eightysevenfour.com)
- » Mac Office compatibility: When ‘no comment’ just isn’t good enough (blogs.zdnet.com)
- The Vanishing Click-Fraud Case (www.businessweek.com)
- The Austringer » Me Against Google (austringer.net)
- Look Me Up Under 'Missing Link' (Washington Post)
- Azureus' HD Vids Trump YouTube (Wired)
- Bram Cohen on BitTorrent's Future (Wired)
- HtmlVsXhtml - WHATWG Wiki (wiki.whatwg.org)
- They can’t hear you (wanderingbarque.com)
- Sam Ruby: The White Pebble (www.intertwingly.net)
- MT Admin | Musings (golem.ph.utexas.edu)
- National Novel Writing Month Event (New York Times)
- Who Did What in China’s Past? Look It Up, or Maybe Not (New York Times)
- She's got a boyfriend and she doesn't like you (rothbrothers.blogspot.com)
- On Calling Bullshit (www.niemanwatchdog.org)
- HOWTO Spot a Wannabe Web Standards Advocate (hsivonen.iki.fi)
- Jeffrey Zeldman On Why To Incorporate Web Standards > Lovely to Look At, Repulsive to Code (www.informit.com)
- Court Greenlights DOJ Case Against Realtors (Internet News)
- Dr. Macro's XML Rants: RELAX Wins: Not So Fast (drmacros-xml-rants.blogspot.com)
- Experts rate Wikipedia's accuracy higher than non-experts (arstechnica.com)
- John Battelle's Searchblog: Google Has My Credit Card Number Now (battellemedia.com)
- A Programmer’s Perspective » Securing Web Applications (www.jason-palmer.com)
- GigaOM » Inside World of Warcraft Gold Farm, Future of Work (gigaom.com)
- Adobe taps the power of negative thinking (news.com)
- Microsoft sued by Chilean Indians over Windows translation - Nov. 23, 2006 (money.cnn.com)
- French National Assembly switches to Linux News - PC Advisor (www.pcadvisor.co.uk)
- Check Your Judgments, Eh? (Wired)
- Designing a WordPress Theme From Scratch « Lorelle on WordPress (lorelle.wordpress.com)
- Firefox, IE vulnerable to fake login pages? (news.com)
- Declassified (PBS)
- A Tiny Window on the U.S., Prized by Those Peering In (New York Times)
- Malicious Code Injection: It's Not Just for SQL Anymore (www.site-reference.com)
- Google Book Search is a plagiarist's nightmare (www.slate.com)
- Dont bet against the internet (www.economist.com)
- Egypt arrests another blog critic (BBC)
- Personal recommendation software?predicts consumer choice - November 27, 2006 (money.cnn.com)
- Wordpress Takes On SixApart With Enterprise Edition and Wordpress.com (www.readwriteweb.com)
- Calif. court says bloggers can't be sued - Tech News & Reviews - MSNBC.com (www.msnbc.msn.com)
- [CodeSOD] XML vs CSV : The Choice is Obvious (thedailywtf.com)
- Digital Divide: The Three Stages (www.useit.com)
- Florida judges target Net sex (news.com)
- The future of HTML, Part 1: WHATWG (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- The S stands for Simple (wanderingbarque.com)
- Jailed Freelance Journalist Loses Request for Rehearing (New York Times)
- Why HD-DVD and Blu-ray are dead on arrival (www.slate.com)
- Three reasons sites break in Internet Explorer 7 (www.456bereastreet.com)
- Thinking XML: The XML decade (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Another Election Winner: The Mainstream Media (www.washingtonian.com)
- In Defense of Difficult Clients (www.alistapart.com)
- MySpace Snatches Established Url From Indie Rock Band "Bones" In Favor Of Fox Television Show "Bones" (www.mi2n.com)
- The Impact of Site Finder on Web Services (www.xml.com)
- Microsoft tracks WiFi for new mapping system (www.msnbc.msn.com)
- Java-XML mapping made easy with JAXB 2.0 (JavaWorld)
- Well Designed URLs are Beautiful! (www.mikeschinkel.com)
- THE CHINESE BABEL (www.languagehat.com)
- With a Dish, Broadband Goes Rural (New York Times)
- IE 7 comes a-knocking--eventually (news.com)
- Great Fonts for Web 2.0 (www.modernlifeisrubbish.co.uk)
- A Week in the Valley: GData (radar.oreilly.com)
- With IE 7, green means go for legit sites (news.com)
- Gracenote Defends Its Evolution (Wired)
- Display Relevant Adsense Ads Using Section Targeting (www.techaddi.com)
- Web development - Recommended OS X tools (5thirtyone.com)
- James Boyce: I Read A Newspaper Yesterday. It Made My Hands Dirty (www.huffingtonpost.com)
- XIME-P in Chicago (Michael Kay, Saxon diaries)
- An RX for Ruby Performance (www.tbray.org)
- Extremely odd behavior from the Washington Post re: the President's Rumsfeld lie (glenngreenwald.blogspot.com)
- Doctors using Google to diagnose illnesses (www.dailymail.co.uk)
- SoCal Arrest Posted On YouTube; Police Investigated (www.nbc11.com)
- Current style in web design (www.webdesignfromscratch.com)
- Defective Themes: Image Width (andy.wordpress.com)
- Blogs Take Lead in Reporting Polling Problems, With Supporting Evidence on YouTube (New York Times)
- Sparing Paper Checks That Last Trip to the Bank (New York Times)
- Mozilla fixes 'critical' flaws (news.com)
- Has Your Web Designer Ever Heard of Contrast? (www.wowwebdesigns.com)
- Russia Growls at LiveJournal Deal (Wired)
- How not to fix HTML (blog.fawny.org)
- Wikipedia "hoax" not actually a hoax (arstechnica.com)
- Brendan's Roadmap Updates: Mozilla 2 (weblogs.mozillazine.org)
- 100 Million Websites (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) (www.useit.com)
- Ideas: Pornography and rape (daviddfriedman.blogspot.com)
- Saxon diaries :: Altova Mudslinging (saxonica.blogharbor.com)
- Long-term Wikipedia vandalism exposed (daveydweeb.com)
- Wikipedia Critic Finds Copied Passages (www.smh.com.au)
- Big labels are f*cked, and DRM is dead - Peter Jenner (The Register)
- Web Design is 95% Typography (www.informationarchitects.jp)
- GrokLaw - The Morning After - Reactions to Novell-MS - Updated 2xs (www.groklaw.net)
- The Wikipedia and the Death of Archaeology (www.consortiuminfo.org)
- FCC shoots down Logan Airport's ban on independent WiFi services (www.boston.com)
- The $200 Billion Lunch (PBS)
- Tag Soup: How UAs handle <x> <y> </x> </y> (ln.hixie.ch)
- The ultimate webdesign usability checklist at Not Usable (stud.cmd.hro.nl)
- XML in a Nutshell - Book review (www.mantex.co.uk)
- Thinking XML: Manage XML data sets for security (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Does XML give away the keys to the warehouse? (www.adtmag.com)
- Why Do Web Server APIs Suck So Much? (www.mnot.net)
- XML and the New COBOL -part 1 (www.webservicessummit.com)
- Kill cite but keep kbd? Huh? (www.alleged.org.uk)
- How not to fix HTML (blog.fawny.org)
- Attack of the Bots (Wired)
- Under Fire, Soldiers Kill Blogs (Wired)
- In Teens' Web World, MySpace Is So Last Year (Washington Post)
- Why Tim Berners-Lee is Wrong (cafe.elharo.com)
- My CarsDirect Experience (www.techcrunch.com)
- Actual Browser Sizes (final) (baekdal.com)
- Can Wikipedia Ever Make the Grade? (chronicle.com)
- Taking Wi-Fi power to the people (news.com)
- Reinventing HTML (dig.csail.mit.edu)
- Optimized Firefox 2.0 for G4, G5, and Intel Macs (www.beatnikpad.com)
- The networks' refusal to accept ads for The Dixie Chicks documentary (glenngreenwald.blogspot.com)
- RSS and Atom in Action: Newsfeed Formats (www.webreference.com)
- ITWALES.COM - Ten more CSS tricks you may not know (itwales.com)
- Mozilla rebuts Firefox 2 bug reports (news.com)
- Spoofing bug found in IE 7 (news.com)
- Top Firefox 2 config tweaks (www.lifehacker.com)
- Chameleon schemas considered harmful (www.elharo.com)
- Blood Elves Declared Too Femme, Put on Steroids (www.kotaku.com)
- Why XForms Matter, Revisited (www.oreillynet.com)
- How hard is it to get a hot fix from Microsoft? It's not easy online. (blogs.msdn.com)
- A Week With IE7 (www.browserden.co.uk)
- The New Mozilla Recommended Add-ons List: The Winners and the Losers (www.techcrunch.com)
- Correction: Joe Lieberman and ‘Stay the Course’ (empirezone.blogs.nytimes.com)
- Running for office? Better run from Colbert (www.latimes.com)
- The Anti-release (weblogs.mozillazine.org)
- Google releases custom search engine service (www.macworld.com)
- Macworld adopts Google Custom Search (www.macworld.com)
- Banish those ads with CSS! (homepage.mac.com)
- Google unveils ‘custom’ searches (www.ft.com)
- Real Sharing vs. Fake Sharing (radar.oreilly.com)
- No More Free MuniFi for New Orleans (gigaom.com)
- How Dare You Make My Content More Valuable! (techdirt.com)
- The Ethics of Web 2.0: YouTube vs. Flickr, Revver, Eyespot, blip.tv, and even Google (lessig.org)
- Newsgator is not stealing our content (or "One more time: our full RSS feeds are for individual, non-comercial use ONLY." (www.calacanis.com)
- Is Internet Explorer 7 Spying on Me? (www.dailycupoftech.com)
- The New Wave of Illegal Media (matthewberman.com)
- Microsoft hopes 7 is lucky number for IE (news.com)
- Updated eBay tools leave Linux users in the cold (www.linux.com)
- Firefox 2.0 Review (www.readwriteweb.com)
- Infinite Loop: Apple's next browser, Safari 3.0 (arstechnica.com)
- Edelman, Wal-Mart and the Loss of Control in Media (publishing2.com)
- For Opera, smaller really is better (news.com)
- Firefox accepting feature suggestions for version 3 (arstechnica.com)
- How to use RSS & BitTorrent to download TV shows (torrentfreak.com)
- If you can't beat them, buy them (www.systemvideoblog.com)
- Hacking Web 2.0 Applications with Firefox (www.securityfocus.com)
- Bram Cohen Refuses BitTorrent Ratio Exploit Patch // Zeropaid.com (www.zeropaid.com)
- Silicon Valley Watcher--reporting on the business and culture of innovation (www.siliconvalleywatcher.com)
- GNU Gnuzilla and IceWeasel (www.gnu.org)
- 5 Reasons to Support IceWeasel (brianmckenna.org)
- IceWeasel - Why proprietary software will always win out (engtech.wordpress.com)
- The Crypt of Civilization (www.damninteresting.com)
- Eudora e-mail client to go open source (www.macworld.com)
- Behind the Debian and Mozilla dispute over use of Firefox (enterprise.linux.com)
- Safari, Firefox Shares of Browser Market Highest of Year (www.macnewsworld.com)
- At Yahoo, All Is Not Well (New York Times)
- Illinois court threatens Spamhaus with shutdown (www.computerworld.com)
- Google has your logs (and all it took was a fart lighting video) (www.aquick.org)
- Ten Things I Wish IE 7 Was About to Deliver (www.techcrunch.com)
- A look at Firefox 2.0 RC2 : Page 1 (arstechnica.com)
- Participation Inequality: Encouraging More Users to Contribute (www.useit.com)
- A Slippery Slope of Censorship at YouTube (New York Times)
- Web resurrects old college cheating technique (news.com)
- Friends, Romans, Countrymen... (blogs.sun.com)
- IE7 Is Coming This Month...Are you Ready? (blogs.msdn.com)
- Risky Business (PBS)
- French gov't report recommends standardizing on ODF (InfoWorld)
- Courts are asked to crack down on bloggers, websites (www.usatoday.com)
- Top 3 reasons to use clean URLs (www.centernetworks.com)
- M-Dollar: The Firefox development team returns from Redmond (arstechnica.com)
- Hacked by my host! Be Careful! (www.dedicatedhostingcompanies.com)
- The other Google search site (news.com)
- Firefox Zero-Day Code Execution Hoax? (www.eweek.com)
- British Library issues copyright manifesto (arstechnica.com)
- Top ten geek business myths (rondam.blogspot.com)
- One Small Step for the Blogosphere... (blogs.sun.com)
- Amazon.com Drops Search Engine Features (biz.yahoo.com)
- Top 10 Lies told to Naive Artists and Designers (photoravlik.blogspot.com)
- Unrepentant PayPerPost Gets Funding (www.businessweek.com)
- The Top 5 Web Fonts for Blogging (webstandards.raquedan.com)
- 10 Things That Will Make Or Break Your Website (blog.auinteractive.com)
- Apple using shoddy up-sampling for some iTunes vids? (www.engadget.com)
- Why Alexa Is Worthless (www.johnchow.com)
- GIF is NOW finally free - for real, with a final Unisys joke (www.freesoftwaremagazine.com)
- A view from (under) the long tail (www.ft.com)
- Firefox extensions for geeks (www.macworld.com)
- About PrefPass » What’s this all about? (about.prefpass.com)
- Reason: Is Your IP Address Harboring Pedophiles? Spoofing Alberto Gonzales' permanent surveillance state (www.reason.com)
- Mozilla releases Firefox 2 RC1 (news.com)
- The Catch-22 of Web 2.0 — Business Logs (businesslogs.com)
- » Microsoft patent non-assertion covenant is remarkable (blogs.zdnet.com)
- Brian Jones: Open XML Formats : Interoperability of the Office Open XML formats (blogs.msdn.com)
- Just Say No to XML (www.sdtimes.com)
- A List Apart: Articles: 12 Lessons for Those Afraid of CSS and Standards (www.alistapart.com)
- Firefox 2 reaches RC1 (arstechnica.com)
- Boy aged three buys £9,000 car on internet (The Guardian)
- Font Families & Web-safe Fonts: The Point of Penultimate Resort (www.webspaceworks.com)
- Vertical Centering in CSS (www.jakpsatweb.cz)
- Ed Foster's Gripelog || Earthlink Tries a Site Finder of Its Own (www.gripe2ed.com)
- 6 Ways to Fix a Confused Information Architecture (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) (www.useit.com)
- Students Rebel Against Database Designed to Thwart Plagiarists (Washington Post)
- Credit Reports: They’re Free but Flawed (New York Times)
- OpenOffice plug-in plan set for debut (news.com)
- You gotta fight (blarng blarng) for your right (blarng blarng) to Skyyyyyy-yyyype (blogs.siliconvalley.com)
- Accessible HTML/XHTML Forms: Beginner Level - The Web Standards Project (www.webstandards.org)
- Blogging Roller: Atom Publishing Protocol, draft #10 (rollerweblogger.org)
- ongoing · Making Markup Correctly (www.tbray.org)
- Mozilla looks to Microsoft for security (news.com)
- Small company makes big claims on XML patents | Tech News on ZDNet (news.zdnet.com)
- Objectifying XML - E4X for Firefox 1.1 (www.understandingxml.com)
- New Citizendium to correct Wikipedia's wrongs? (arstechnica.com)
- Alphabets are as simple as... (www.telegraph.co.uk)
- first details of Office 2007 for Mac. All new UI. (www.apcstart.com)
- BBspot - Microsoft Announces Contentless DRM Store (www.bbspot.com)
- Daring Fireball: Markdown (daringfireball.net)
- Wikipedia defies China's censors (The Guardian)
- Firefox gains share, IE loses - Internet - www.itnews.com.au (www.itnews.com.au)
- Boing Boing: URGENT: Podcasters act now to stop anti-podcasting UN treaty! (www.boingboing.net)
- Joint Statement of Podcasting Organizations and Podcasters on the Proposed Wipo Treaty for the Protection of Broadcasts and Broadcasting Organizations Presented to 15th Session of Wipo Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (www.eff.org)
- Legal Precedent Set for Web Accessibility (biz.yahoo.com)
- How to delete all cookies in Firefox on closing, EXCEPT for those from selected domains! (mungobah.blogspot.com)
- Police blotter: Cops raid Usenet provider over porn (news.com)
- My fight with Amazon Unbox - Alpha Blog - alpha.cnet.com (reviews.cnet.com)
- Online gaming stocks dive as U.S. detains exec (today.reuters.co.uk)
- Jigsaw Data not a company that follows standards / It's full steam ahead for rebel CEO Fowler (www.sfgate.com)
- Waxy.org: Daily Log: Sex Baiting Prank on Craigslist Affects Hundreds (www.waxy.org)
- Veni, Vidi, Wiki (Wired)
- The Wiki That Edited Me (Wired)
- Global Text Project brings wiki textbooks to the world (arstechnica.com)
- Will Vista stall Net traffic? (news.com)
- Use Old Words When Writing for Findability (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) (www.useit.com)
- MacDailyNews | Apple’s Safari browser market share up 46% year-over-year (macdailynews.com)
- Boing Boing: Bob Dylan and iTunes sell un-rippable music (www.boingboing.net)
- The Last Stand of the 6 (New York Times)
- An Open letter to John Warnock Ornament Aug 28th, 2006 (www.designbyfire.com)
- Brazil judge orders Google to disclose users' data (news.com)
- Slashdot | More Wiki Than Ever (yro.slashdot.org)
- Berners-Lee calls for Web 2.0 calm (The Register)
- ozilla taps Toronto Web design shop to work on Firefox 2.0 (www.itbusiness.ca)
- Apple Matters | iTunes Inspires Changes in Music Industry (www.applematters.com)
- What the RIAA really fears (www.cincomsmalltalk.com)
- Internet Explorer 7: Good Solid Browser, Or Ford Pinto? (www.readwriteweb.com)
- RIAA copyright education is contradictory, critics say (news.com)
- Why XForms Matter, Revisited (www.oreillynet.com)
- XForms revisited (searchwebservices.techtarget.com)
- XML class warfare (www.adtmag.com)
- Protect your web searches (lifehacker.com)
- StopBadware.org Report (stopbadware.org)
- Linux Libertine Open Fonts offers free Times Roman alternative (www.linux.com)
- Times Withholds Web Article in Britain (New York Times)
- The Housing Virgins of Manhattan (New York Times)
- At Forbes.com, Lots of Glitter but Maybe Not So Many Visitors (New York Times)
- The Pitchfork Effect (Wired)
- Patent Fight in Online Academia (Wired)
- START (Wired)
- State of Florida job portal shuts out alternative browsers (www.morph3ous.net)
- Words of Wisdom vs. Words From Our Sponsor (New York Times)
- Google Discloses Plans For Long-Awaited Office Suite, First Components Due This Week (www.informationweek.com)
- In Defense of Andrew Young (Washington Post)
- Learning to Love a Cable Guy (New York Times)
- FCC 'Very Upset' at New Verizon Fee (www.betanews.com)
- The Frank Caliendo Effect (PBS)
- The IE7 Myth | Steven Wittens - Acko.net (www.acko.net)
- How To Provide A Web API (www.sourcelabs.com)
- Unlock work internet or risk losing staff: Microsoft (www.apcstart.com)
- Researchers Yearn to Use AOL Logs, but They Hesitate (New York Times)
- What do they know about you? (www.siliconvalley.com)
- IEBlog : Details on our CSS changes for IE7 (blogs.msdn.com)
- Kids Say the Darndest Things in Their Blogs (Washington Post)
- TrackMeNot (mrl.nyu.edu)
- Re: SD1 - Short End Tags from Jon Bosak on 1997-05-16 (w3c-sgml-wg@w3.org from May 1997) (lists.w3.org)
- Holdout Bands Give In to iTunes (Wired)
- Cable companies lose round in CableCard battle (news.com)
- Casting Net For Better Airfares (Wired)
- Firefox 2.0 Now To Ship In Late October (Techweb)
- Ameritrade Spam Again (groups.google.co.nz)
- TD Ameritrade data definitely compromised (www.billkatz.com)
- With shovels, AOL looks for retribution (www.cnn.com)
- Secrets of the Pirate Bay (Wired)
- Amazon database would put shoppers' intimate details on the line (seattlepi.nwsource.com)
- Television Archiving » Blog Archive » Google “Showtimes” the UC Library System (www.archival.tv)
- Data Visualization of Web Stats: Logarithmic Charts and the Drooping Tail (www.useit.com)
- OpenOffice.org security 'insufficient' (InfoWorld)
- To google or not to google? It's a legal question (The Independent)
- Firefox code gets vetted (news.com)
- Internet Explorer Loses More Ground to Firefox (www.eweek.com)
- The Search for Secret Google Services (blog.outer-court.com)
- How to Digitally Hide (Somewhat) in Plain Sight (New York Times)
- A blogger's battle from behind bars (news.com)
- Rights group calls Net firms 'censors' in China (news.com)
- One giant blunder for mankind: how NASA lost moon pictures (www.smh.com.au)
- BitTorrent arrives for books (www.theinquirer.net)
- EBay lawsuit reveals foibles of site feedback (www.siliconvalley.com)
- Google to continue storing search requests despite AOL gaffe (www.nwfdailynews.com)
- FAQ: Protecting yourself from search engines (news.com)
- Inside Higher Ed :: So Much for Good Intentions (www.insidehighered.com)
- A Face Is Exposed for AOL Searcher No. 4417749 (New York Times)
- Idealog: Microsoft Drops The Ball on Internet Explorer 7 Standards Compliance (www.idealog.us)
- AOL apologizes for release of user search data (news.com)
- AOL offers glimpse into users' lives (news.com)
- Comments on Microsoft’s Letter to Massachusetts (www.groklaw.net)
- Cable and Satellite TV Set Their Sights on Airwaves (New York Times)
- AOL Releases Googles most prized Keyword List… Google is gonna get mega spammed. (plentyoffish.wordpress.com)
- Zoli's Blog :: AOL Just Did the Unthinkable - Boycott AOL? (www.zoliblog.com)
- inessential.com: Weblog: Comments for ‘NetNewsWire 3.0d7: Super Early Sneak Peak’ (inessential.com)
- Techcrunch » Blog Archive » AOL Proudly Releases Massive Amounts of Private Data (www.techcrunch.com)
- Authoritative Metadata (www.w3.org)
- Even dead people can't escape AOL (www.stltoday.com)
- Baiters Teach Scammers a Lesson (Wired)
- Blog feeds may carry security risk (news.com)
- I Want My NerdTV (PBS)
- Analyze Those Algorithms (Dr. Dobbs)
- Linking in XHTML 2.0 (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Researcher creates net neutrality test (InfoWorld)
- Blogger jailed after defying court orders (news.com)
- Column by PC Magazine: The Politics of Piracy Emerge in Sweden (www.pcmag.com)
- Mozilla Gains On Microsoft - Forbes.com (www.forbes.com)
- Techcrunch » Blog Archive » Bloglines wants to block private feeds from search (www.techcrunch.com)
- Postal Service Finds a Friend in the Internet (New York Times)
- Open New Windows for PDF and other Non-Web Documents (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) (www.useit.com)
- Email Newsletters: New Results From Eyetracking and User Research (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) (www.useit.com)
- Billy Bragg’s MySpace Protest Movement (New York Times)
- OpenDocument wins more fans (news.zdnet.co.uk)
- MPAA admits to unauthorized movie copying (arstechnica.com)
- The Wi (New York Times)
- Stopping fraud by blackballing PCs (news.com)
- The Web Frameworks Jam and Turbogears (Artima)
- Opera reveals version 10 vision (news.com)
- Mozilla Thunderbird 2.0 Alpha 1 Released (tech.cybernetnews.com)
- Place-shifting: challenges present and future paint a rough picture for innovation (arstechnica.com)
- US to continue its control over ICANN (arstechnica.com)
- News from The Associated Press (hosted.ap.org)
- What goes on the Net stays on the Net (PBS)
- Browser Fun (browserfun.blogspot.com)
- Cruising the Great Car Lot of the Web (New York Times)
- United States cedes control of the internet - but what now? | The Register (The Register)
- Verizon Limits Its "Unlimited" Wireless Broadband Service (www.consumeraffairs.com)
- Dr Dave (unknowngenius.com)
- Wired 14.08: START (wired.com)
- TiVo Is Watching When You Don’t Watch, and It Tattles (New York Times)
- NewsForge | Today's cell phone system argues for retaining network neutrality (business.newsforge.com)
- glish.com : CSS layout techniques (www.glish.com)
- The future of HTML, Part 1: WHATWG (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- The Right Way to do Ajax is Declaratively | What Not How | http://duncan-cragg.org/blog/ (duncan-cragg.org)
- Taking Microsoft's ODF Plugin for a Spin... Splat (www.groklaw.net)
- Flaw finders lay siege to Microsoft Office (The Register)
- Browsers feel the fuzz (www.securityfocus.com)
- Flaw finders lay siege to Microsoft Office (The Register)
- Tectonic -- Linux and open source news (www.tectonic.co.za)
- Government lifts ban on websites (www.ibnlive.com)
- They Wrap Fish, Don't They? (PBS)
- Dare Violate a Copyright in Hong Kong? A Boy Scout May Be Watching Online (New York Times)
- Competitors Concerned After the Arrest of a Major Figure in Internet Gambling (New York Times)
- Survey of the Blogosphere Finds 12 Million Voices (New York Times)
- AOL Retention Manual Revealed (consumerist.com)
- How Vonage Funds Spyware (www.benedelman.org)
- About:config entries - MozillaZine Knowledge Base (kb.mozillazine.org)
- PCWorld.com - Internet Tips: Master Firefox's Hidden Configuration Tools (pcworld.com)
- Breathe new life into OS X Safari | 5ThirtyOne - Refreshing isn’t it? (5thirtyone.com)
- News from The Associated Press (hosted.ap.org)
- Google exec challenges Berners-Lee (news.com)
- Delusions of Grandeur » Blog Archive » Shiira 2.0 - A Visual Preview (mark.alittlenoise.com)
- How to Make Firefox for Mac More Mac-like · cavemonkey50.com (cavemonkey50.com)
- Security Fix - Brian Krebs on Computer and Internet Security - (washingtonpost.com) (Washington Post)
- Browser Comparison: Firefox 2 Beta 1, Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3, and Opera 9.0--Review on ExtremeTe (www.extremetech.com)
- For Some Netflix Users, Red Envelopes Gather Dust (online.wsj.com)
- Paying the top DIGG/REDDIT/Flickr/Newsvine users (or "$1,000 a month for doing what you're already doing.") - The Jason Calacanis Weblog (www.calacanis.com)
- How To Easily Defeat Website Access Ban? -Simple Thoughts - Java and Web Technology Blog (blog.taragana.com)
- What is the 1% rule? (The Guardian)
- First Look: Firefox 2 beta (www.macworld.com)
- India bloggers angry at net ban (BBC)
- Andrew Wooster’s nextthing.org » Fun With HTTP Headers (www.nextthing.org)
- An embarrassing mistake (orange.blender.org)
- Blogspot Blogs Banned in India: Read Tricks To Access Blocked Websites » Digital Inspiration (labnol.blogspot.com)
- Police blotter: Mortgage 'spammers' sued by ISP (news.com)
- Schoolbooks Are Given F’s in Originality (New York Times)
- Redirection hell in an aggregator (www.cincomsmalltalk.com)
- The Skype is Falling (PBS)
- Online Movie Tickets a Still (New York Times)
- Google Has No Adsense.com (Wired)
- 'Imitation IPod' Invades Radio (Wired)
- Google's Click-Fraud Crackdown (Wired)
- Firefox 2.0 Beta 1 Is No Slam-Dunk (www.eweek.com)
- Google joins open document group (news.com)
- Facebook, Myspace, etc. And Getting Hired (www.lsus.edu)
- Rails at it again: REST and ActiveResource (blog.labnotes.org)
- CollegeJournal | Using the Net (www.collegejournal.com)
- Prominent right-wing blogger today calls for the murder of Supreme Court Justices - the Right fails to condemn it (glenngreenwald.blogspot.com)
- Some friendly advice from Dell (www.buzzmachine.com)
- The Long Tail vs. Pirates of the Caribbean (www.publish.com)
- Using open source software to design, develop, and deploy a collaborative Web site, Part 1: Introduction and overview (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Usability: Four Basic Activities to Reach Optimal Usability (www.usability.gov)
- Microsoft Grabs Some Code for its ODF Plugin... From the ODF Fellowship (www.groklaw.net)
- Death by Wikipedia: The Kenneth Lay Chronicles (Washington Post)
- Another obligatory Wikipedia bashing (www.cincomsmalltalk.com)
- What’s wrong with the Google Print argument (www.aquick.org)
- How To Tweak Firefox 2.0 Beta 1 (tech.cybernetnews.com)
- How and Why Wikipedia Works: An Interview with Angela Beesley, Elisabeth Bauer, and Kizu Naoko (www.riehle.org)
- Traduction automatique et survie des dinosaures (eric.van-der-vlist.com)
- What would you like to see in the next Opera desktop browser? » Opera Watch (operawatch.com)
- Microsoft's Open XML Project Deemed a Short-Term Fix (www.eweek.com)
- Analysts: EBay faces competitive threat (news.yahoo.com)
- eBay: Services: Seller Central: Best Practices: Packaging & Shipping (pages.ebay.com)
- Microsoft to Support OpenDocument (www.betanews.com)
- Angry Customers Use Web to Shame Firms (Washington Post)
- Where Are They Now? Search Engines We've Known and Loved (searchenginewatch.com)
- On RSS and Atom (www.unto.net)
- Ajax for Java developers: Exploring the Google Web Toolkit (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Examining Google’s Error Code (www.boydcreative.net)
- Q&A with Firefox's Blake Ross: Extended version (blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com)
- Firefox 2.0 Gets Undo Close Tab & Scrolling Tabs (tech.cybernetnews.com)
- PayPerPost.com offers to sell your soul (www.techcrunch.com)
- If we build it they will come (PBS)
- Charlie Brooker: Supposing ... I'm too old for MySpace (The Guardian)
- Are You 'Freedbacking'? (Wired)
- Ros Taylor: HSIA hidden charges (The Guardian)
- Comparison of layout engines (XML) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (en.wikipedia.org)
- Microsoft delays Office 2007 again (news.com)
- Fractals of Change: Price – The Cost of Complexity (blog.tomevslin.com)
- Fractals of Change: Price – Who’re You Calling a Freeloader? (blog.tomevslin.com)
- Anaheim opens Wi-Fi network (news.com)
- Laptops Give Hope to the Homeless (Wired)
- Light Blue Touchpaper » Ignoring the “Great Firewall of China” (www.cl.cam.ac.uk)
- Craigslist's Craig Newmark--no more Mr. Nice Guy? | CNET News.com (macworld-cnet.com.com)
- The Project Gutenberg FAQ - G-17 - Project Gutenberg (www.gutenberg.org)
- ongoing · Time to Switch? (www.tbray.org)
- Tech Gurus Say They'll 'Switch from Mac' (www.eweek.com)
- Google Watch : Ten Possible Consequences of Google's GBuy (ibmwatch.eweek.com)
- Time Breakdown of Modern Web Design (poisonedminds.com)
- Net Neutered (PBS)
- The Rise and Fall of CORBA - The story behind this once-promising distributed computing technology-why it fell short, and what we can learn from it. (www.acmqueue.org)
- What users hate most about Web sites (InfoWorld)
- TPS Enables Study Of Mysterious Pioneer Anomaly (www.spacedaily.com)
- Interactive SVG Diagrams (pdatabase.dyndns.biz)
- On XSLT 2.0 and Office 2007 : Words Of Wisdom From The Trenches - O'Reilly XML Blog (www.oreillynet.com)
- House rejects Net neutrality rules (news.zdnet.com)
- BBC closes out deal for showing UK TV over P2P (The Register)
- Censored Searches on Google.cn (blog.outer-court.com)
- Good Morning Silicon Valley: A format war with Microsoft? Is that like a land war in Asia? (blogs.siliconvalley.com)
- Pirate Bay Bloodied but Unbowed (Wired)
- Infinite Loop: Beer losing college market share to... iPods? (arstechnica.com)
- Google admits being compromised over China - Markets (business.timesonline.co.uk)
- China 'blocks' main Google site (BBC)
- [Editorial Draft] State in Web application design (www.w3.org)
- RED HERRING | Vonage’s Poor IPO Faces Suit (The Red Herring)
- O'Reilly Radar > Controversy about our "Web 2.0" service mark[ (radar.oreilly.com)
- The Rich Get Richer (PBS)
- Fewer Textbook Sales, but Rising Revenue (New York Times)
- Long (New York Times)
- Complete List of Civil Rights Violations Regarding The Pirate Bay Raid | xMule.ws (www.xmule.ws)
- Just some stats... (thepiratebay.org)
- How eBay makes regulations disappear (news.com)
- Consortiuminfo.org - Four Points of Interoperability and Adobe (www.consortiuminfo.org)
- iTWire - Adobe yet to explain why no PDF in Microsoft Office (www.itwire.com.au)
- Jon Udell: Earth to Google PR (InfoWorld)
- Vonage in Predicament After Public Offering (Washington Post)
- 11th Circuit to Webmasters: Telling Someone To Go Away Doesn't Make Them (www.acsblog.org)
- Codes on Sites 'Captcha' Anger of Web Users (online.wsj.com)
- Free Radical (Wired)
- Levels of HTML knowledge (www.456bereastreet.com)
- Amex Nixes X-Rated Exchanges (Wired)
- Inspirational Technology » Blog Archive » Nasty license terms (www.kstaken.com)
- Terrorism invoked in ISP snooping proposal (news.com)
- Why Redmond feels so threatened by ODF (computerworld.co.nz)
- CNET’s AllYouCanUpload Is Disruptive (www.techcrunch.com)
- On Conflicts of Interest and TechCrunch (www.crunchnotes.com)
- WordPress Comment Spamming - Over 50% Contributed by Top 100 IP Addresses (blog.taragana.com)
- Technology and Easy Credit Give Identity Thieves an Edge (New York Times)
- Squabble Over Name Ruffles a Web Utopia (New York Times)
- Egyptian Activist Blogs from Jail (Wired)
- The Next Big Thing in Online Type (poynter.org)
- The Secret Lives of Fonts (fadtastic.net)
- The end of an era for Times New Roman? (fadtastic.net)
- My 5 CSS Tips (businesslogs.com)
- Coming Soon: The Web Toll (www.popsci.com)
- Microsoft: OpenDocument is too slow (news.com)
- O'Reilly trademarks °Web 2.0°» and sets lawyers on IT@Cork! (www.tomrafteryit.net)
- Gonzales pressures ISPs on data retention (news.zdnet.com)
- AT&T leaks sensitive info in NSA suit (news.com)
- Google AdsBot Now Coming To Assess Your Landing Pages, Will Impact Your AdRank (blog.searchenginewatch.com)
- » Does Java EE 5 getting REST mean WOA will break out? (blogs.zdnet.com)
- The Rich Get Richer (PBS)
- "Gimme Yer Dinner Money Or I Break Yah Legs" (The Daily Mink)
- Google: Resistance is Futile (Internet News)
- Mozilla CEO: Why we're still shunned by corporate IT (news.com)
- Student faces expulsion for Web post (www.suntimes.com)
- The Rise of Crowdsourcing (Wired)
- Not Just Another Day at the Office (www.eweek.com)
- Continuations, cont’d (www.megginson.com)
- Beware of broadband speed overkill (news.com)
- US military is blocking Slashdot and SourceForge.net (trends.newsforge.com)
- Workplace Forms and Next Generation Web Applications (www-03.ibm.com)
- How Internet Explorer Stifles Microsoft (www.scienceaddiction.com)
- Scan This Book! (New York Times)
- Advanced XML validation (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- mnot’s Web log: Vendor-pires (www.mnot.net)
- Rotten Effort (www.computerworld.com)
- Congress targets social network sites (news.com)
- CalAtom (robubu.com)
- REST vs. WS-*: A Parable (cafe.elharo.com)
- Massachusetts OpenDocument plans questioned by disabled (www.computerworld.com.au)
- Youth Is An Explanation But Not an Excuse for Plagiarism (newyorkmetro.com)
- Some Publishers of Scholarly Journals Dislike Bill to Require Online Access to Articles (New York Times)
- Falling for super-geek - Sunday Times - Times Online (www.timesonline.co.uk)
- A True eBay Crime Story (Wired)
- Yahoo Is Unleashing a New Way to Turn Ad Clicks Into Ka (New York Times)
- Secret Bloggers Bare All (Wired)
- why: Get Legal - Get OpenOffice.org (why.openoffice.org)
- Feds: Colleges Must Let Us Wiretap (www.networkingpipeline.com)
- Whitedust: Wal-marts Wikipedia War (www.whitedust.net)
- Cheap Trick, Allman Brothers Sue Sony - Yahoo! News (news.yahoo.com)
- TechCrunch » Microsoft Live Shopping Launches - But No Firefox (www.techcrunch.com)
- Introduction - In search of the One True Layout (www.positioniseverything.net)
- Blogger who criticized Maine tourism office faces lawsuit - The Boston Globe (www.boston.com)
- PBS | I, Cringely . April 27, 2006 - Killer Apps (PBS)
- Internet Explorer 7: New Public Beta (blogs.pcworld.com)
- Soldier in Iraq wants to cancel cell phone (www.upi.com)
- The Great Microsoft Blunder (abcnews.go.com)
- Ed Foster's Gripelog || Expedia Exacerbates Excruciating Experience (www.gripe2ed.com)
- Vitamin Features » Stop Hacking, or be Stopped (www.thinkvitamin.com)
- Surfin’ Safari - Blog Archive » High DPI Web Sites (webkit.opendarwin.org)
- Apple's Safari showing major growth amongst browsers (www.appleinsider.com)
- Musings from Mars » Nothing To Cheer Here: Microsoft’s Ajax Toolkit Is a “D” (www.musingsfrommars.org)
- The Cafes » Major Security Hole in WordPress? Turning off Comments (cafe.elharo.com)
- GoDaddy Swipes A Domain Name (wiredblogs.tripod.com)
- Set my data free (InfoWorld)
- ongoing · Styles: Beyond WS and REST (www.tbray.org)
- TechCrunch » Comparing the Mapping Services (www.techcrunch.com)
- The Cafes » An Open Letter to Amalgamated Bank (cafe.elharo.com)
- Hixie's Natural Log: Content-Type is dead (ln.hixie.ch)
- Experts: Suit Raises Copyright Questions (news.yahoo.com)
- Our Open Letter to AOL (www.dearaol.com)
- IT-eye Weblog » The best feature in MS-Word has got to be… (www.it-eye.nl)
- Todd Ditchendorf’s Blog » Blog Archive » Effective XML (www.ditchnet.org)
- Case should be about facts, not about who's a journalist (www.heraldtribune.com)
- The nonsense about AdSense (business.timesonline.co.uk)
- How Piracy Opens Doors for Windows (www.latimes.com)
- Wi-Fi plan stirs Big Brother concerns / Log-on rule would allow Google to track users' whereabouts in S.F. (www.sfgate.com)
- This Week's Worst Headline (Don't let this happen to you) (blogs.sun.com)
- Lovely DITA, DocBook fades? (times.usefulinc.com)
- httplib2: HTTP Persistence and Authentication (www.xml.com)
- Case Study II: A National Archive Moves to ODF (www.consortiuminfo.org)
- Don't dare copy this (www.sfgate.com)
- Google Maps API Official Blog: Google Maps API Version 2 (googlemapsapi.blogspot.com)
- Workbench: RSS: I'd Rather Switch Than Fight (www.cadenhead.org)
- Bridgeman Art Library v. Corel Corp. (en.wikipedia.org)
- The Spider of Doom - The Daily WTF (www.thedailywtf.com)
- Microsoft muscles in on OpenDocument group - Software - News - ZDNet Asia (www.zdnetasia.com)
- Isn't it semantic? (www.bcs.org)
- Police Use MySpace to ID Suspects (Wired)
- Atom as a Case Study (Tim Bray, ongoing)
- XML In Government: Promise And Politics (www.informationweek.com)
- No one ever got fired for... (Uche and Chimezie Ogbuji, Copia)
- Yahoo: if you use our ads, you have to block non-US visitors (www.boingboing.net)
- Wi-Fi Fight Brews in Big Easy (The Red Herring)
- Rough RESTing on Rails (pezra.barelyenough.org)
- Lo-REST: This is your REST on Crack (glazkov.com)
- Microsoft Mix 06 | Gates Vows A New Internet Explorer Every Year--Or More | March 20, 2006 (www.informationweek.com)
- IE 7, Firefox 2.0 Prepare to Do Battle—Someday (www.eweek.com)
- Growing a Business Website: Fix the Basics First (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) (www.useit.com)
- New bill: Cyber Safety For Kids Act of 2006 (Xeni Jardin, Boing Boing)
- Apple MacBook power, Flickr and "The Media" (blog.flickr.com)
- Useful Firefox Security Extensions (www.cerias.purdue.edu)
- To Read This Post, Your IQ Must Be Over 100 (www.amazon.com)
- Web site files complaint against Google (www.siliconvalley.com)
- Marvel Comics: stealing our language (Cory Doctorow, Boing Boing)
- Cod Psychology (Simon Phipps, SunMink)
- Amazon.com S3 storage service available today (arstechnica.com)
- (Wired)
- (Wired)
- Google's Schmidt Clears The Air (news.yahoo.com)
- Internet Explorer Has a Future (www.microsoft-watch.com)
- Web Services At A Crossroads (www.optimizemag.com)
- GMail Horror Story! - Google Blogoscoped Forum (blog.outer-court.com)
- Ray Ozzie: Wiring the Web (spaces.msn.com)
- Wal (New York Times)
- Is Antitrust No Longer the Issue? (New York Times)
- Popular Web Site Falls Victim to a Content Filter (New York Times)
- Pitching Bloggers: Send Something of Interest to Somebody You Know (hyku.com)
- Our Boys Need Gossip! (www.wonkette.com)
- Peering into the Future (PBS)
- 55 reasons to design in XHTML/CSS (www.khmerang.com)
- Free! Icons for your website or application at MaxPower (www.maxpower.ca)
- 2 ways to make RSS readers smarter (www.43folders.com)
- Push to Create Standards for Documents (New York Times)
- Google moving search records out of China (computerworld.com)
- A bit of BitTorrent bother (BBC)
- Abusing Amazon images (aaugh.com)
- Where those driving directions really come from (money.cnn.com)
- Using Ruby on Rails for Web Development on Mac OS X (developer.apple.com)
- Click Fraud Gets Smarter (www.businessweek.com)
- Kathryn Cramer: Watermarking as a Strategy for Insisting on Corporate "Creators": Is DRM the Killer App for Corporate Authorship? (www.kathryncramer.com)
- White space (Norman Walsh, norman.walsh.name)
- Your Call Should Be Important to Us, but It's Not (New York Times)
- ActiveState - Eric Promislow: 24 out of 25 Dentists Say Their Patients Use Relax NG (blogs.activestate.com)
- Managing XML data: Tag URIs (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Are Usenet fans vulnerable to copyright lawsuits? (news.com)
- Votre suite bureautique en ligne (www.fredcavazza.net)
- Googlefasting: Day 1 (Chris Pirillo) (chris.pirillo.com)
- Identity Production in a Networked Culture: Why Youth Heart MySpace (www.danah.org)
- Macworld: Feature: Mac tune-up: 34 software speedups (www.macworld.com)
- Nude photo site wins injunction against Google (news.com)
- I(E7) coulda been a contender ... (Kurt.Cagle, Understanding XML)
- US copyright head: world "totally rejects" webcasting restrictions (Cory Doctorow, Boing Boing)
- Google to feds: Back off (news.com)
- Severe security hole in Apple Safari Browser (www.4null4.de)
- Hot Points – A blog by Go Daddy founder and president Bob Parsons (www.bobparsons.com)
- Saxon diaries :: Comparability (saxonica.blogharbor.com)
- Switched On: All the President's Discs (www.engadget.com)
- Silicon Valley Sleuth: Things you don't want Google to find (www.siliconvalleysleuth.com)
- The undertaker is measuring the Big Four record labels for a wooden overcoat (blog.thedruid.co.uk)
- Web Sites Fight Proof-of-Age Rules For Porn Performers (online.wsj.com)
- U.S. concludes 'Cyber Storm' mock attacks (seattlepi.nwsource.com)
- Gates: End to passwords in sight (news.com)
- Net Neutrality and the Sorry State of U.S. Broadband (chrisholland.blogspot.com)
- Security Fix - Brian Krebs on Computer and Internet Security - (washingtonpost.com) (Washington Post)
- Agile Project Planning: Web-based Acceptance Testing Done Right (www.extremeplanner.com)
- James Governor's MonkChips: Are Blogger Users Part Of The Conversation? (www.redmonk.com)
- Blogger: The home of spam blogs and suckage (www.redmonk.com)
- 'Throttling' Angers Netflix Renters (news.yahoo.com)
- The New Internet Explorer (schneier, Schneier on Security)
- Webmonkey First Look: IE7 Beta2 Preview (www.hotwired.com)
- They Saved the Internet's Soul (Wired)
- Yahoo helped jail another Chinese 'net dissident, Li Zhi (Xeni Jardin, Boing Boing)
- Privacy, What’s That? (Om Malik, Om Malik on Broadband)
- Bill would force Web sites to delete personal info (news.com)
- IEBlog : IE7 Printing: An Experience You Won’t Want To Miss (blogs.msdn.com)
- Bells dig in to dominate high-speed Internet realm (www.usatoday.com)
- Google routinely filters some searches to comply with DMCA (Xeni Jardin, Boing Boing)
- Wikinews uncovers tech code of Capitol Hill Wikipedia hijinks (Xeni Jardin, Boing Boing)
- Inside Firefox - The Inside Track on Firefox Development (weblogs.mozillazine.org)
- Dystopics » The Mysteries of X-GOOGLE-TOKEN and why it matters (dystopics.dump.be)
- Google to Get AdSense Competition From Amazon? (www.businessweek.com)
- Verbatim: Search firms surveyed on privacy (news.com)
- IEBlog : What’s New for CSS in Beta 2 Preview? (blogs.msdn.com)
- Microformats vs. XML: Pros and Cons (www.25hoursaday.com)
- Introduction - In search of the One True Layout (positioniseverything.net)
- Blogs versus the NY Times in Google (kottke.org) (www.kottke.org)
- Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: What's Microsoft afraid of? (www.roughtype.com)
- Andy Kessler: WSJ: Sellout.com (www.andykessler.com)
- Flickr pictures, web beacons, and a modest proposal - entertaining hundreds of millions of eyeball atoms every day (www.aquick.org)
- feed: redux (Danny, Raw)
- What’s the big fuss about IP addresses? - entertaining hundreds of millions of eyeball atoms every day (www.aquick.org)
- Micro Persuasion: DOJ May One Day Try to Break Up Google (www.micropersuasion.com)
- Sam Ruby: Détente (www.intertwingly.net)
- Configuring Apache - Don't Succumb To The "Slashdot Effect" (blogcritics.org)
- Rewriting history under the dome (www.lowellsun.com)
- Professional-Looking Documents in Word (Wes, Smart Software)
- Jonathan Robie's Web Log: First Working Draft: XQuery Update Facility (blogs.datadirect.com)
- Spider stomping 2k6 (www.loudandlonely.com)
- Google pulls 'we don't censor' statement (The Register)
- Hair (New York Times)
- Google Gagged, but There's Hope (Wired)
- A Tale of Two Googles (fishbowl.pastiche.org)
- AdSense silently adds a 90-day time limit on AdSense referrals (www.jensense.com)
- Sites Google Agreed to Censor in China (blog.outer-court.com)
- Jet Lagged Baby (Scott_Adams, The Dilbert Blog)
- Economic Censorship or Electronic Apartheid (theheadlemur.typepad.com)
- A Validation Tale (www.simplebits.com)
- Web-Safe Fonts for Your Site (www.accordmarketing.com)
- These web sites are identical—or are they? 75% of web design is normative, the rest is merely color and pictures. (phnk.com)
- dog or higher: Semantics in the wild (westciv.typepad.com)
- A Growing Web of Watchers Builds a Surveillance Society (New York Times)
- Google Agrees to Censor Results in China (www.breitbart.com)
- Keeping Secrets - A simple prescription for keeping Google's records out of government hands. By Tim Wu (www.slate.com)
- Squash » Blog Archive » Google News fatally flawed (squash.wordpress.com)
- » Yahoo Publisher Network Expanding This Spring : Search Engine Journal (www.searchenginejournal.com)
- Google co-founders cash in (news.com)
- Turning Pages for Those Who Can't (Wired)
- Basement.org: Taking RSS Beyond Headlines : Part One (www.basement.org)
- Inside Firefox - The Inside Track on Firefox Development (weblogs.mozillazine.org)
- An Interview with Jonathan Robie, an Inventor of XQuery (www.stylusstudio.com)
- Read Most of O'Reilly's Hacks Books for Free Using Google (www.micropersuasion.com)
- BREITBART.COM - Court Orders Part of Wikipedia Off-Line (www.breitbart.com)
- newsobserver.com | Columns by Paul Gilster (www.newsobserver.com)
- In Google vs Government, It's Not About Child Porn (blog.outer-court.com)
- How to Foil Search Engine Snoops (Wired)
- XML is not S-Expressions (www.prescod.net)
- Google Won't Hand Over Files (Wired)
- Living a Cached Life (Om Malik, Om Malik on Broadband)
- MSN Search's WebLog : Privacy and MSN Search (blogs.msdn.com)
- eBay Scams: Unending (Russ, Russell Beattie Notebook)
- Scott Schram's Blog: Bellsouth "Tiered" Internet service doomed (weblogs.java.net)
- Ed Foster's Gripelog || Microsoft Won't Handle MSN Offense (www.gripe2ed.com)
- Ed Foster's Gripelog || What Do the Feds Really Want From Google? (www.gripe2ed.com)
- The SOAP retrieval anti-pattern (jroller.com)
- On the Quality of Metadata... (www.betaversion.org)
- The Backhoe (Wired)
- MercuryNews.com | 01/18/2006 | Feds want Google search records (www.siliconvalley.com)
- Who Needs a Brochure When We Have the New York Times? (Liz Cox Barrett, CJR Daily : the audit)
- Google: We Won't Pay Broadband Cyberextortion (www.networkingpipeline.com)
- Unofficial documentation of iPhoto 6.0 photocasting feeds (lists.apple.com)
- Jeff Pulver to Eric Schmidt: Turn the Tide – Turn off BellSouth! (pulverblog.pulver.com)
- LWN: Firefox enables 'ping' attribute (lwn.net)
- Syndication is not publication [dive into mark] (diveintomark.org)
- Apple “photocasting” Mac only, uses invalid RSS (www.sitepoint.com)
- Sheer Boredom - Free Highspeed Internet (www.sheerboredom.net)
- CyberWyre » Highest Paying Search Terms (www.cyberwyre.com)
- gapingvoid: top ten reasons why nobody reads your blog (www.gapingvoid.com)
- In tiny Arab state, Web takes on ruling elite (news.com)
- Bending the Truth in a Million Little Ways (New York Times)
- A List Apart: Articles: Web 3.0 (www.alistapart.com)
- Wholesale Blog Plagiarism … Alert (gigaom.com)
- BuzzMachine » Blog Archive » Google and splog fraud (www.buzzmachine.com)
- Top Ten Sources: Stealing Your Content? — Business Logs (businesslogs.com)
- How Microsoft Is ‘Destroying’ The Web (Alex Bunardzic, Ethical Software by Alex Bunardzic)
- Become Your Own Web Host in 75 Steps (www.publisheraid.com)
- Firefox for Intel Macs planned for March (ZDNet)
- Behind the Scenes with Apache's .htaccess - Brainstorms and Raves (brainstormsandraves.com)
- Leaving messages (www.losowsky.com)
- The Problem with Webcasting (www.oreillynet.com)
- HOWTO Avoid Being Called a Bozo When Producing XML (hsivonen.iki.fi)
- Learn how to invent XML languages, then do so (copia.ogbuji.net)
- Structured Blogging Will Flop (paul.kedrosky.com)
- Court dismisses Yahoo's free speech lawsuit (news.com)
- Corporate responsibility : Reporters Without Borders urges Internet users and bloggers to support its recommendations on freedom of expression. (www.rsf.org)
- Chitika adding Adsense style Text Ads (labnol.blogspot.com)
- On XML Language Design (Tim Bray, ongoing)
- Don’t Invent XML Languages (Tim Bray, ongoing)
- Trouble with directories posing as files in browsers (David, Signal vs. Noise)
- Big Fractal Tangle: getting the semweb exactly wrong (bigfractaltangle.com)
- URLs Matter (dion, techno.blog("Dion"))
- HTML Tables aren't pure evil (www.almaer.com)
- Google sending prefetch cookies (joi.ito.com)
- 'Truthiness' is word of the year (www.cnn.com)
- WordPress 2.0 is better than ever (internet.newsforge.com)
- Earliest Mayan writing found beneath pyramid (www.cnn.com)
- Congress' hands caught in the cookie jar (news.com)
- Top Five(5) Reason's Why Opera 9.0 Kick's Browser A$$ (M. David Peterson, <XSLT:Blog author="M. David Peterson" />)
- A Commercial Runs Through It (PBS)
- Microsoft Shuts Blog's Site After Complaints by Beijing (New York Times)
- A Big Turn-On for the Turks (Wired)
- How Not To Feed The Media and How To Short Change The Exhibitors (andyabramson.blogs.com)
- Government Web sites are keeping an eye on you (news.com)
- Data Mining 101: Finding Subversives with Amazon Wishlists (www.applefritter.com)
- Upgrading to Apache 2 (enterprise.linux.com)
- The Nitpicking of the Masses vs. the Authority of the Experts (New York Times)
- The decade the blockbuster died (Chris Anderson, The Long Tail)
Why the media can't get Wikipedia right (www.hyperorg.com)
- Lesson for Murdoch: Keep the Bloggers Happy (New York Times)
- The Lone Ronin: Banned by Google (loneronin.typepad.com)
- Refund Please (www.refundplease.com)
- "Why did Chitika audit my PPC payment?" (www.askdavetaylor.com)
- How Click Fraud Could Swallow the Internet (Wired)
- WhiteHouse.gov Uses Cookies, Bugs (Wired)
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