2004 Readings about XML
- Make Firefox Faster at Forever Geek (forevergeek.com)
- Yet Another 2005 Prediction List (pluralsight.com)
- Inspirational Technology: 10 things to change in your thinking when building REST XML Protocols (www.xmldatabases.org)
- Inspirational Technology: Revolution postponed (www.xmldatabases.org)
- Revolution postponed (www.infoconomy.com)
- Hobbyists Fill Out the Weather Map (www.nytimes.com)
- Customer Service: The Hunt for a Human (www.nytimes.com)
- Microsoft: Web browser options expand (Seattle Times)
- Net worm using Google to spread (news.zdnet.com)
- W3C recharges graphics group (news.com)
- Bleary Days for Eyes on the Prize (Wired)
- Dead Marine's kin plead for e-mail (www.cnn.com)
- XML-aware programming language? (lists.xml.org)
- Book Review: Effective XML (adtmag.com)
- How can I trust Firefox? (blogs.msdn.com)
- A Day in the Life of #Apache (www.onlamp.com)
- PHP’s anti-Apache2 FUD (drbacchus.com)
- Google Scholar (www.ldodds.com)
- Is the Internet truly global? (news.com)
- Unnoticed fee could raise Net domain costs (news.com)
- Media Wish List for 2005 (Wired)
- Firefox ad readied as market share increases (news.com)
- Top libraries to go online in deal with Google (www.guardian.co.uk)
- Desktop Google Finds Holes (www.schneier.com)
- The 'blog' revolution sweeps across China (www.newscientist.com)
- Court Case Pits Google and Geico (www.nytimes.com)
- Why OpenOffice.org? (www.pc-tools.net)
- PHP Security Mistakes (www.devshed.com)
- Wikipedia Again (www.tbray.org)
- Introducing XML canonical form (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- IBM moves the database goalposts (www.theregister.co.uk)
- School's out to shun IE (news.com)
- Having a bad experience with Eclipse so far (joust.kano.net)
- Wrestling HTML (xml.com)
- Browser phishing 'flaw' could hook users (news.com)
- What happened to the XML:DB Initiative (www.xmldatabases.org)
- Target: Referral Spam in dasBlog (www.hanselman.com)
- Enhancing Firefox GUI usability (philwilson.org)
- Web services patents fetch $15.5 million (news.com)
- Firefox users ignore online ads, report says (news.com)
- Most Hated Advertising Techniques (Jakob Nielsen, AlertBox)
- XML is not S-Expressions (www.prescod.net)
- LISP is better than XML, but worse is better (www.oreillynet.com)
- Eight Soldiers Plan to Sue Over Army’s Stop-Loss Policy (New York Times)
- Naming Generic Types (weblogs.java.net)
- When Secrets Make Sense (www.tbray.org)
- Navy Probes New Iraq Photos (Wired)
- University Syndrome (udidahan.weblogs.us)
- Israel shocked by image of soldiers forcing violinist to play at roadblock (The Guardian)
- Weather Data for the Masses (Wired)
- MSN Spaces: seven dirty blogs (www.boingboing.net)
- Fight for Public Domain Goes On (Wired)
- The Beauty of REST (xml.com)
- REST, REST, everywhere (www.xmldatabases.org)
- You Can Blog, but You Can't Hide (www.nytimes.com)
- Microsoft rushes out critical IE fix (news.com)
- Comment Spam - a solution? (dotnetjunkies.com)
- Apple Xsan 1.0, Safari 1.3 near release (www.appleinsider.com)
- Blazing a new data speed record (news.com)
- Philly Wi-Fi clash pits city against telcos (news.com)
- New Netscape embraces Firefox, IE (news.com)
- High-stakes venture (www.denverpost.com)
- Blogging can be hazardous to your paycheck (Salon)
- The Internet’s Retail Appeal (www.nytimes.com)
- Internet Access, Delivered From Above (www.nytimes.com)
- Wikipedia Creators Move Into News (Wired)
- Web Won't Let Government Hide (Wired)
- » Wiki: A disaster waiting to happen? (blog.taragana.com)
- The 'blog' revolution sweeps across China (www.newscientist.com)
- Taxonomy of XML Schema Languages Using Formal Language Theory (www.mulberrytech.com)
- EE Times -Sony lab tips 'emergent semantics' to make sense of Web (www.eetimes.com)
- Mozilla Firefox 2.0 Roadmap (www.mozilla.org)
- A Tool for Scholars Who Like to Dig Deep (www.nytimes.com)
- The Mozilla Development Process (dotnetjunkies.com)
- Apache module mod_auth_anon.c (httpd.apache.org)
- Eclipse for the PHP Developer (www.phpbuilder.com)
- Newspapers Should Really Worry (Wired)
- Jon Udell: The power of the URL-line (udell.roninhouse.com)
- The Atom Publishing Protocol (bitworking.org)
- RELAX NG with custom datatype libraries (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Dear Mr. Bosworth (marc.blogs.it)
- Binary XML? What about Unicode-aware CPUs instead? (www.oreillynet.com)
- Attackers strike using Web ads (news.com)
- Mozilla backtracks in eBay privacy flap (news.com)
- Microsoft to fix 'download warning' flaw (news.com)
- Google gets gruff over click fraud (news.com)
- Firefox cutting into IE's lead (news.com)
- Court Documents Not Fit for Web? (Wired)
- Splice (naeblis.cx)
- Undoing the Industrial Revolution (Jakob Nielsen, AlertBox)
- 40 Million Users Who Don't Buy Books (www.onlamp.com)
- Computers as Authors? Literary Luddites Unite! (www.nytimes.com)
- The RDF.net Challenge (www.tbray.org)
- Abbr vs Acronym (www.benmeadowcroft.com)
- Opening Everything (www.tbray.org)
- Introduction to XML Events (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Open Source CMS - Scary world (www.logemann.org)
- XML 2004: From the Exhibition Floor (xml.com)
- Repurposing RSS Content (www.rubyxml.com)
- Return fire (www.cincomsmalltalk.com)
- Bank Transfers Kick in When PayPal Limit Reached (www.gripe2ed.com)
- Everything you want to know (shortdomainname.com)
- Censorship Picture Comes Into Sharper Image (www.gripe2ed.com)
- U.S. Reports Possible Case of Mad Cow (New York Times)
- Afghan Poppy Growing Reaches Record Level, U.N. Says (New York Times)
- MPAA seeks Internet2 tests, P2P monitor role (news.com)
- Linux is not Red Hat, and other Sun-isms debunked (www.newsforge.com)
- Scott Hanselman's Tips for a Successful MSFT Presentation (www.hanselman.com)
- Report: Florida data suggests e-voting problems (news.com)
- Made in USA (www.paulgraham.com)
- We Are All Dubya's Doormat / News flash for ordinary Repubs and born-agains: Bush doesn't care about you, either (sfgate.com)
- What's wrong with the standard undergraduate computer science curriculum (philip.greenspun.com)
- Google Plans New Service for Scientists and Scholars (www.nytimes.com)
- Microsoft says IE updates possible (news.com)
- Firefox fortune hunters (news.com)
- More security hiccups for IE (news.com)
- Netscape aims beyond Firefox (news.com)
- FCC Crackdown Could Spread (Wired)
- Tim O'Reilly Interview, Part 1: Web 2.0 (www.readwriteweb.com)
- Tim O'Reilly Interview, Part 2: Business Models & RSS (www.readwriteweb.com)
- Tim O'Reilly Interview, Part 3: eBooks & Remix Culture (www.readwriteweb.com)
- Web Media Buyouts Coming? Kinda (Wired)
- WSDL 2: Just Say No (xml.com)
- The Faith-Based Encyclopedia (www.techcentralstation.com)
- The IE Factor (www.stopdesign.com)
- Building accessible tables (www.evolt.org)
- Ignoring the Elephant (blogs.sun.com)
- Open Document Worries (www.tbray.org)
- Garden Walls (www.tbray.org)
- Vodafone's 3G Presentation (russellbeattie.com)
- Textism (www.textism.com)
- Web development mistakes (www.456bereastreet.com)
- Web Standards Group - Ten Questions for Roger Johansson (webstandardsgroup.org)
- Marvel Battles Role Players (Wired)
- RSS Edges Into the Bureaucracy (Wired)
- Java XPath 1.0 Engine Comparison - Performance (www.asciiarmor.com)
- Opera Sings Blues, Posting 3Q Losses Triple Last Year's (www.ecommercetimes.com)
- Google More Evil Than Satan... (forevergeek.com)
- Bad Firefox! (www.weiqigao.com)
- Using PHP 5's XSL extension to perform XSL Transformations (www.tonymarston.net)
- Using PHP 5's DOM functions to create XML files from SQL data (www.tonymarston.net)
- Trust, contracts and UDDI (www.looselycoupled.com)
- A Development Infrastructure for PHP (www.tonymarston.net)
- Discover key features of DOM Level 3 Core, Part 1 (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Discover key features of DOM Level 3 Core, Part 2 (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Improve performance in your XML applications, Part 2 (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Tidying up your HTML with PHP 5 (www.zend.com)
- Firefox 1.0 to Gain More Mac OS X Features (www.eweek.com)
- A Day in The Semantic Web (www.betaversion.org)
- E-tail Fraud Remains a Threat (Wired)
- Firefox 1.0 Makes Flashy Debut (Wired)
- Mozilla releases Firefox 1.0 (news.com)
- Firefox maps its next moves (news.com)
- Firefox 1.0 fans clog Mozilla site (news.com)
- Mozilla Firefox Start Page (www.google.com)
- E-mail - where are all the hyperlinks? (www.itworld.com)
- Mozilla readies Firefox 1.0 release (news.com)
- Linkin' Park (xml.com)
- Bloggers make cash from Blogads (www.blogads.com)
- XML Matters: OASIS Election Markup Language (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- First Excuse For A Long Letter (palimpsest.stanford.edu)
- KISS and The Mom Factor (www.adambosworth.net)
- What is the platform? (www.adambosworth.net)
- How to rip videos from the iTunes music store (carlsbadcubes.com)
- The Atom API (xml.com)
- Atom Authentication (xml.com)
- Come to Daddy
How Ken Schaffer's ME2TV (or Something Just Like It, But Cheaper) Will Change Television Forever (www.pbs.org)
- Google's Browser Plans (mozillanews.org)
- Brain.Save() - The Web Services Kernel (hyperthink.net)
- Microsoft's Worst Nightmare (www.business2.com)
- RDF for Modular, Extensible Markup (www.semanticplanet.com)
- Firefox smashes funding target (news.com)
- Extra! Wall Street Journal gives away Web content (news.com)
- You know you're a New Orleans native if ... (www.gumbopages.com)
- HP first major PC maker to launch Linux-based notebook (www.sfgate.com)
- Sun chips away at wireless chip connections (news.zdnet.com)
- The power of table-oriented programming (JavaWorld)
- DEAD LETTER OFFICE: GeorgeWBush.org: Bush/Cheney in 2004! (www.georgewbush.org)
- Float Time on Checks Shortens, as of Thursday (New York Times)
- E-Vote Vendors Hand Over Software (Wired)
- DMCA dealt serious blow by Sixth Circuit Appeals Court (arstechnica.com)
- ::Review: Effective XML (members.capmac.org)
- Panic! How it Works and What To Do About It (www.asktog.com)
- Major browsers bitten by security bugs (news.com)
- RSS for Mac OS X Roundtable (www.drunkenblog.com)
- Neo/J Patch3 Cowabunga! (www.tbray.org)
- ISPs the weakest link when it comes to free speech (observer.guardian.co.uk)
- SAX NamespaceSupport and Order of Operations (blogs.fivesight.com)
- Bad start (www.markbaker.ca)
- Revenge of the pop-ups (news.com)
- ICANN breaks budget impasse (news.com)
- Netscape: Bowed, but not broken (news.com)
- Where are Netscape's pioneers today? (news.com)
- Unearthing the origins of Firefox (news.com)
- IndyMedia Gets Its Servers Back (Wired)
- Qu'est-ce qu'un "result tree fragment"? Qu'est-ce qu'un "node set"? Comment passer de l'un à l'autre? (xmlfr.org)
- Curtain Call for Junk-Fax Blaster (Wired)
- Andreessen: IE faces one-two punch (news.com)
- Open Secrets: How the government lost the drug war in cyberspace. (www.reason.com)
- Ask Jeff Bezos, Adam Bosworth, John Doerr, Eddy Cue... (www.oreillynet.com)
- Web Industry Still Flies Blind (Wired)
- The Long Tail (Wired)
- Introduction to E4X (InfoWorld)
- Rhino 1.6 R1 (www.weiqigao.com)
- Don't Be Afraid to Drop the SOAP (www.perl.com)
- Why I dumped Internet Explorer (news.com)
- Internet fails to shine for 'silver surfers' (news.com)
- Sun pushes OpenOffice standard (news.com)
- Point. Shoot. Kiss It Good-Bye. (Wired)
- Browser campaign slams IE (news.com)
- Planning to dump IE? Think again (news.com)
- Why we can't completely ditch IE (www.cincomsmalltalk.com)
- What the Bubble Got Right (www.paulgraham.com)
- Eric Newcomer's Weblog: More on WS-* Complexity (www.iona.com)
- What Google tells us about the 2004 Internet (www.shorewalker.com)
- Reading Text Online (www.humanfactors.com)
- The Effects of Line Length on Children and Adults’ Online Reading Performance (psychology.wichita.edu)
- RSS Feeds That Suck: Cafe con Leche (www.25hoursaday.com)
- Google Bows to Chinese Censorship (Wired)
- Fear and Laptops on the Campaign Trail (www.nytimes.com)
- max-width in Internet Explorer (www.svendtofte.com)
- Hiding CSS from Netscape 4 (www.v2studio.com)
- Why tables for layout is stupid: problems defined, solutions offered (www.hotdesign.com)
- The Trouble With EM ’n EN (and Other Shady Characters): A List Apart (www.alistapart.com)
- The Q tag [dive into mark] (diveintomark.org)
- Progressive Enhancement (css-discuss.incutio.com)
- From Table Hacks to CSS Layout: A Web Designer’s Journey: A List Apart (www.alistapart.com)
- www. is deprecated. (no-www.org)
- Slash Forward (Some URLs are Better Than Others) (www.alistapart.com)
- Developing With Web Standards (www.456bereastreet.com)
- Creating accessible forms (www.webaim.org)
- Better Accessible Forms. Covers use of the <label> tag and more (www.accessify.com)
- The IE Factor (www.stopdesign.com)
- Web development mistakes, redux (www.456bereastreet.com)
- Back To Basics: (X)HTML Specs Made Easy (aspnetresources.com)
- Back To Basics: HTML (www.aspnetresources.com)
- Microsoft to secure IE for XP only (news.com)
- RSS Support In Firefox 1.0 RC: Live Bookmarks!!! (www.weiqigao.com)
- Sage, Firefox, and RSS (www.ericburke.com)
- Frustrated with the Limitations of XSD for XML Document Validation? Try Schematron!!! (www.25hoursaday.com)
- Mozilla could form base of a Google browser (uk.news.yahoo.com)
- Specs Are Like JSRs (www.25hoursaday.com)
- WS-* Specifications: Are there too many and are they too complex? (blogs.msdn.com)
- WS-Pagecount (www.tbray.org)
- WS-Halloween (www.franklinmint.fm)
- Blogging the Story Alive (Wired)
- WGIG will Reassess - or Reassert? - Governments' Role in Internet (www.icannwatch.org)
- SVG and the Search for <elegance> (metaphoricalweb.blogspot.com)
- Document/literal SOAP (www.nelson.monkey.org)
- The gift that wounds? (blogs.sun.com)
- The Loyal WS-Opposition (tbray.org)
- A complete guide to web services in one, short paragraph (seanmcgrath.blogspot.com)
- How to call web services with REST instead of SOAP (www.oreillynet.com)
- Are Web Services receding? (www.oreillynet.com)
- Java 5.0 : du solide pour XML (xmlfr.org)
- Bush vs. Kerry: Email Newsletters Rated (Jakob Nielsen, AlertBox)
- Barbarians at the digital gate (news.com)
- Applying Distributed XML to The Open Source Paradigm Shift (www.oreillynet.com)
- More WS-* specs, more questions about architectural viability (weblogs.java.net)
- Firefox on the hunt (news.com)
- REST and FishEye (joe.truemesh.com)
- Intuit Pits Its Customers Against Its Partners (www.gripe2ed.com)
- Formats décimaux français (ou bilingues) pour W3C XML Schema (xmlfr.org)
- Broadband needs a nonpartisan FCC (news.com)
- Latest Mozilla releases fix 10 security flaws (news.com)
- Amazon releases A9 search engine (www.macworld.com)
- Microsoft flip-flop may signal blog clog (news.com)
- Finding Truth on the Internet (Wired)
- Mozilla burns to prove Firefox worthy (news.com)
- Don't Mess With Librarians (Wired)
- Satellite Service Battles Lag (Wired)
- Firefox browser to hit 1.0 milestone (news.com)
- The Need for Web Design Standards (Jakob Nielsen, AlertBox)
- La longue marche de JDOM 1.0 (xmlfr.org)
- GLAT: Google Labs Aptitude Test (www.almaer.com)
- Few don’ts of web page designing (blog.taragana.com)
- Smalltalk Tidbits, Industry Rants: How not to run a service (www.cincomsmalltalk.com)
- Detecting XML charset encoding, getting it right (or at least trying to) (blogs.sun.com)
- Bruce Perens: the Linux colonel talks (www.vnunet.com)
- XML & DocBook: Structured Technical Documentation Authoring (www.linuxjournal.com)
- OOo Off the Wall: The Outlining and the Ecstasy (www.linuxjournal.com)
- Text Formatting with OpenOffice.org Writer (news.com)
- JSoup (dannyayers.com)
- XML: Too much of a good thing? (news.com)
- Microsoft's War on Bugs (Wired)
- Staging websites on Mac OS X (web-graphics.com)
- Preparing a Website for the Holiday Shopping Season (Jakob Nielsen, AlertBox)
- Die, default namespaces, die (www.dehora.net)
- In Internet Calling, Skype Is Living Up to the Hype (www.nytimes.com)
- Browser Statistics (W3C)
- Friendster fires developer for blog (news.com)
- Parsing and Processing Large XML Documents with Digester Rules (www.onjava.com)
- SP2 vs. the plug-ins (news.com)
- The 7 Fallacies of XML Validation (www.theserverside.net)
- Atom - time to throw in the towel? (www.cincomsmalltalk.com)
- Geico gets green light to sue Google, Overture (news.com)
- Internet Gives Teenage Bullies Weapons to Wound From Afar (www.nytimes.com)
- Last Legs for Microsoft Word? (abcnews.go.com)
- Microsoft Word and "Smarter Than" (www.oreillynet.com)
- Checkmate XML (xml.com)
- The MSDN Camp vs. The Raymond Chen Camp (blogs.msdn.com)
- Drag-and-drop flaw mars Microsoft's latest update (news.com)
- Why specs matter (diveintomark.org)
- Why document.write() doesn't work in XML (ln.hixie.ch)
- Google IPO pops despite Dutch auction (cbs.marketwatch.com)
- Google forced to cut float price (www.guardian.co.uk)
- Extending HTML (ln.hixie.ch)
- Making Free IPods Pay Off (Wired)
- When Search Engines Become Answer Engines (Jakob Nielsen, AlertBox)
- Thinking XML: Harold's Effective XML (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Parsing non-well-formed XML documents in PHP 5.1 (blog.bitflux.ch)
- PC Magazine Opinion: Kill Microsoft Word (www.pcmag.com)
- Monster Oriented (www.dehora.net)
- Google revealed in Playboy interview? (news.com)
- Mozilla Foundation Announces XForms Development Project (www.mozilla.org)
- Wired News: Why Trust Registration Data? (Wired)
- Usability & Useful Stuff (blogs.sun.com)
- Change the Color of Visited Links (Jakob Nielsen, AlertBox)
- Safari, Web Services, and You (weblogs.java.net)
- Amazon will not handle book on Bush-Saudi links (books.guardian.co.uk)
- Mozilla to squash security bugs (news.com)
- Inside Firefox: Firefox 1.0 Preview Release (weblogs.mozillazine.org)
- About XML (weblogs.asp.net)
- MyDoom variant slams mailboxes, search engines (news.com)
- What if Mozilla were to win in the end? (blogs.sun.com)
- Techies Reshape 9/11 History (Wired)
- A Day in the Life of #Apache (www.onlamp.com)
- Open Arms for Open-Source News (Wired)
- Ecma International Approves ECMAScript for XML (biz.yahoo.com)
- When Backwards Compatibility Mode Isn't (blogs.msdn.com)
- UC fires back at Microsoft in browser battle (news.com)
- We Don't Need No Stinkin' Login (Wired)
- Changing the Face of Web Surfing (Wired)
- Exposing click fraud (news.com)
- Downloading for Democracy (Wired)
- Software That Lasts 200 Years (www.bricklin.com)
- The second browser war (www.guardian.co.uk)
- Searching for The New York Times (Wired)
- Geolocation: Don't Fence Web In (Wired)
- InfoWorld: Microsoft products also vulnerable to Mozilla flaw (InfoWorld)
- More Extensions for Mozilla (Wired)
- Mozilla Flaw Lets Links Run Arbitrary Programs (www.eweek.com)
- An Interview with Michael Kay (xml.com)
- Another Internet Explorer flaw found (news.com)
- Destination Wi-Fi, by rail, bus or boat (news.com)
- Enterprises Slow to Dump IE (www.eweek.com)
- Building a Better Mozilla (Wired)
- Reassure Customers and Generate Repeat Purchases in E-Commerce (Jakob Nielsen, AlertBox)
- Professor gives Cisco manual away for free (news.com)
- Time for a Redesign: Dr. Jakob Nielsen (www.cioinsight.com)
- Paid Inclusion Losing Charm? (Wired)
- Metadata for the desktop (usefulinc.com)
- Microsoft Posts Security Update (Wired)
- The blogging cover-up (news.com)
- Charles Simonyi's Not So Little Secret (wiredblogs.tripod.com)
- From Bravo to Word (weblogs.asp.net)
- Microsoft Internet Explorer does not properly validate source of redirected frame (networks.org)
- Pop-up program reads keystrokes, steals passwords (news.com)
- When standards don't apply (news.com)
- Iraq Internet presence in Limbo (www.theinquirer.net)
- IE flaw may boost rival browsers (news.com)
- Two Sigma: Usability and Six Sigma Quality Assurance (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) (Jakob Nielsen, AlertBox)
- Non-Extractive Parsing for XML (xml.com)
- Cases: Paying Homage to the Wisdom of Voices From Medicine's Past (www.nytimes.com)
- Creating XML with Genx (xml.com)
- The Open Source Paradigm Shift (tim.oreilly.com)
- A Quiet Revolt Puts Costly Journals on Web (www.nytimes.com)
- Brendan's Roadmap Updates: The non-world non-wide non-web (weblogs.mozillazine.org)
- Daring Fireball: The Location Field Is the New Command Line (daringfireball.net)
- Using XPath from within Mozilla based browsers (www.xmldatabases.org)
- Researchers warn of infectious Web sites (news.com)
- Search engines rethink paid inclusion (news.com)
- Google's Gag Order (www.perrspectives.com)
- Progress Report for Net Censors (Wired)
- Trying to make Web services make sense (news.com)
- Why You Should Dump Internet Explorer (channels.lockergnome.com)
- Spolsky's requests for Web Applications from Dean Jackson (W3C)
- Joel on Software - Thursday, June 17, 2004 (www.joelonsoftware.com)
- Questions about Longhorn, part 1: WinFS (InfoWorld)
- No-Regrets Microsoft May Restore Security, but Not Trust (TechNews.com) (Washington Post)
- Scott Collins interview (arstechnica.com)
- Ireland Leery of 3G Phones (Wired)
- Web newspaper registration stirs debate (www.cnn.com)
- Why RDF is more than XML (W3C)
- Permissions on Digital Media Drive Scholars to Lawbooks (www.nytimes.com)
- Tools with Proprietary Source Control? Be Careful. (paulhammant.com)
- Google mulls RSS support (news.com)
- IBM faces copyright infringement suit (news.com)
- Wi-Fi: If Not Free, Then How? (Wired)
- A Contest to Outwit Google (Wired)
- Hijacking Harry Potter, Quidditch Broom and All (www.nytimes.com)
- Butting Heads Over the '906 Rebuttal (www.oreillynet.com)
- Can't stop the pop-ups (news.com)
- XML or RDF? (www.markbaker.ca)
- Wanted: Cheap Metadata (www.oreillynet.com)
- On Search: Metadata (tbray.org)
- Shaping forms for an XML-based future (InfoWorld)
- In the Virtual Stacks, Pirated Books Find Eager Thumbs (www.nytimes.com)
- Yahoo Gives Adware a Second Chance (story.news.yahoo.com)
- XML tag share analysis and power law distributions (seanmcgrath.blogspot.com)
- Hixie's Natural Log: Spring 2004 Travelog: Part 8 (First Day of the Workshop) (ln.hixie.ch)
- Hixie's Natural Log: Spring 2004 Travelog: Part 2 (Backwards Compatibility) (ln.hixie.ch)
- Smoke, Mirrors and Silence: The Browser Wars Reignite (www.informit.com)
- Berners-Lee Keeps WWW2004 Focused on Semantic Web (xml.com)
- Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac review by PC Magazine (www.pcmag.com)
- Microsoft behind $12 million payment to Opera (news.com)
- Plus ca change (westciv.typepad.com)
- Filtered HTML from Word (www.dotnetindia.com)
- Filemaker's XML is not UTF-8 (www.crankycoder.com)
- XLink: A Hyperspace Oddity (www.itworld.com)
- Channeling Cupertino: Mac Office 2004: Unicode, Language Support, and a few bugs (macartisan.typepad.com)
- Freedom 0 (diveintomark.org)
- Card Seem at Risk? Try a Stunt Double (www.nytimes.com)
- adot's notblog*: opera 7.5 (weblogs.mozillazine.org)
- Working XML: UML, XMI, and code generation, Part 2 (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- XSLT 2.0 Sir? (blogs.msdn.com)
- Extensible Code Generation with Java, Part 1 (today.java.net)
- Search engines take the stand (news.com)
- Processing Large XML Documents with PHP 5 (blog.bitflux.ch)
- Mozilla developers smarter than IE developers (blog.colorstudy.com)
- IBM plans Web-based desktop software (news.com)
- DOM Level 3 a W3C Recommendation (www.laurenwood.org)
- Databases flex their XML (InfoWorld)
- XML Europe 2004 : refactoring XML? (In French, xmlfr.org)
- What can't you find on Google? Vital statistics (observer.guardian.co.uk)
- HTTP over SOAP!?!?!? (www.tbray.org)
- More Reasons to Love Google (Wired)
- Web Services Theory and Practice (www.tbray.org)
- Quirky Google Culture Endangered? (Wired)
- Mozilla, Gnome mull united front against Longhorn (news.com)
- You call that a standard? (news.com)
- Computer Student on Trial for Aid to Muslim Web Sites (www.nytimes.com)
- NETI to Examine Net's Strengths (Wired)
- Libraries Wired, and Reborn (www.nytimes.com)
- Microsoft releases another XML spec (news.com)
- Sun Shows Its True Colors, Says Groklaw's "PJ" (LinuxWorld) (www.linuxworld.com)
- Maujempur Journal: On a Newfangled Voting Machine, the Same Old Fraud (New York Times)
- Google's chastity belt too tight (news.com)
- The Fuss About Gmail and Privacy: Nine Reasons Why It's Bogus (www.oreillynet.com)
- Bill de hÓra: XML 1.1 in a Nutshell (www.dehora.net)
- Forgent Sues Over JPEG Patent (Wired)
- Web Inventor Takes the Prize (Wired)
- The Verizon to Add Internet Surcharge (www.nytimes.com)
- A Manifesto for Collaborative Tools (www.blueoxen.org)
- davidtemkin.com: The lost art of user interface programming (www.davidtemkin.com)
- Is OpenOffice Doomed? (fishbowl.pastiche.org)
- W3C works out DOM kinks (news.com)
- Web services security spec locked down (news.com)
- Traveling Down the Memory Hole (Wired)
- Find the Download in a Haystack (Wired)
- The Blogging of the President: 2004 (news.com)
- Ant and XML Build Files (x180.net)
- SXML and SSAX -- Manipulating XML in the Scheme Programming Language -- (gnosis.cx)
- XML for Word Processors -- Open source embraces XML as native document format -- (gnosis.cx)
- x-cp.org - Light the Fiber! (www.x-cp.org)
- What's New in System.Xml for Visual Studio 2005 and the .NET Framework 2.0 Release (msdn.microsoft.com)
- Shirky: Situated Software (www.shirky.com)
- Single Input -- Multiple Outputs (www.rattlesnake.com)
- SOAP author says enough specs already (InfoWorld)
- Extra headaches of securing XML (news.com)
- If You're Going To Localize, Localize Properly (www.johntopley.com)
- Dictatorship.com (www.tnr.com)
- OpenOffice (www.tbray.org)
- Yahoo Update (www.tbray.org)
- Open Letter to ICANN (www.odr.info)
- SVG and its Path into the Linux Desktop (news.com)
- Opera's browser finds its voice (news.com)
- Enhancing Data Interoperability with Ontologies, Canonical Forms, and Include Files (www.xfront.com)
- XML Namespaces Support in Python Tools, Part 1 (xml.com)
- Firefox fills the IE void (InfoWorld)
- Mobile phones steal the show (www.guardian.co.uk)
- Get Out of My Namespace (www.nytimes.com)
- Web 'copycats' ripping off small businesses (www.silicon.com)
- At a Mountain Monastery, Old Texts Gain Digital Life (www.nytimes.com)
- Blog format truce proposed (news.com)
- PFIR Conference Announcement: "Preventing the Internet Meltdown" (www.pfir.org)
- US universities threaten to cancel subscriptions to Elsevier journals (bmj.bmjjournals.com)
- Adobe adds bar codes to PDF forms (news.com)
- Open Source XML Diff Written in Java (www.manageability.org)
- Yahoo to Charge for Guaranteeing a Spot on Its Index (www.nytimes.com)
- Lennon jukebox reveals Beatles' musical debts (www.guardian.co.uk)
- Feds reject Eolas browser patent (news.com)
- Pictures and Lies (www.tbray.org)
- Protocol Design: The Need for Speed (webservices.xml.com)
- The Curse of the Hundred Bagger (www.pbs.org)
- redemption in a blog: Switching to Firefox to get easier (blog.codefront.net)
- XML.com: Using XML Catalogs with JAXP (xml.com)
- Beware of strangers (diveintomark.org)
- Real's reality (news.com)
- AskJeeves denounces paid inclusion (news.com)
- If ICANN can't, who can? (news.com)
- The Reinvention of Neil Young, Part 6 (Wired)
- Extra! Extra! Read All About You (Wired)
- SVG Generation with genx (home.comcast.net)
- XML options in Java and .NET (www.dehora.net)
- Microsoft places bet on Whitehorse (news.com)
- Waking Up From a DOM Induced Coma (donxml.com)
- Bill de hóra: Under the hood at PubSub (www.dehora.net)
- Talk.org: The Browser Threat Model (talk.org)
- Edge East 2004 - A Skeptic's Tour (weblogs.java.net)
- VeriSign sues ICANN to restore Site Finder (news.com)
- Patents raise stakes in search wars (news.com)
- Microsoft Creates a Stir in Its Work With the U.N. (www.nytimes.com)
- Defiant Downloads Rise From Underground (www.nytimes.com)
- Apache License v2.0 and GPL Compatibility - The Apache Software Foundation (www.apache.org)
- Memory resident (blog.topix.net)
- W3C risks patent tussle in standard push (news.com)
- Perl Gets Extreme Makeover (story.news.yahoo.com)
- FSF: New Apache License not GPL-Compatible (yro.slashdot.org)
- Webmonkey, RIP: 1996 – 2004 (Wired)
- UTF-8 history (www.cl.cam.ac.uk)
- Determining the character encoding of a feed [dive into mark] (diveintomark.org)
- Second Impressions of StAX (blog.fivesight.com)
- Microsoft Locks Up XML Patent (news.com)
- Online Shopper: Toll-Free Apology Soothes Savage Beast (www.nytimes.com)
- Microsoft: Oops! We Did It Again (Wired)
- Microsoft 'critical' flaw warning (news.bbc.co.uk)
- Mozilla holds 'fire' in naming fight (news.com)
- Now Hear This: VoiceXML Spec on the Move (news.com)
- Corel sells XML division (news.com)
- False Domain Info May Mean Jail (Wired)
- XML 1.1: The W3C Gets It Wrong (www.25hoursaday.com)
- AskTog: Top 10 Reasons to Not Shop On Line (www.asktog.com)
- The Plum Pudding Model of Atom (www.1060.org)
- The myth of RSS compatibility (diveintomark.org)
- IE security patch nixes some apps (news.com)
- Cookies or cookieless ? (weblogs.asp.net)
- Microsoft releases early IE fix (news.com)
- Car Talk: Windows Media (cartalk.com)
- Cannabis online: click now and it's with you in 24 hours (www.guardian.co.uk)
- Microsoft to Change IE Behavior to Block Spoofing Attacks (www.eweek.com)
- Computing, Control and Collaboration - The Mac's Next Decade (www.macintouch.com)
- Sane XML (oreillynet.com)
- Microsoft seeks XML-related patents (news.com)
- GB 18030: A mega-codepage (IBM DeveloperWorks)
- Programming with Circles, Triangles and Rectangles (www.cl.cam.ac.uk)
- Competitive Testing of Website Usability (Jakob Nielsen, AlertBox)
- Show and tell for Microsoft (news.com)
- Oracle apps to work with Mozilla (news.com)
- The history of draconian error handling in XML (diveintomark.org)
- What matters? (www.mulberrytech.com)
- Web Services? What has the industry been smoking? (www.artima.com)
- IE conversation is great (radio.weblogs.com)
- A Real-Life Debate on Free Expression in a Cyberspace City (www.nytimes.com)
- Judge rules Microsoft infringed on Eolas patent (news.com)
- Serenity through markup (www.adtmag.com)
- WordML and XHTML - Separated at Birth? (www.gotdotnet.com)
- On Atom and Postel’s Law (norman.walsh.name)
- Why the Infoset? (lists.xml.org)
- Niue WiFi Network Gone, .nu TLD May Follow (slashdot.org)
- On Postel, Again (www.tbray.org)
- ISSN for the masses: extending recognition of the medium (ken.coar.org)
- Web Services Security - HTTP Digest Authentication without Active Directory (www.rassoc.com)
- New AtomAPI Implementation Release (Discusses custom ATOM authorization scheme to supplement digest authentication) (bitworking.org)
- IE, Apache Clash on Web Standard (Possibly out-of-date article claiming Borg and non-Borg servers don't interoperate for digest authentication) (www.eweek.com)
- HTTP Digest Authentication Misconceptions (www.ietf.org)
- How to Deconstruct Almost Anything (www.info.ucl.ac.be)
- For love not money:
How WhyFi can turn hotspots into a real industry (www.pbs.org)
- A Guide to Web Authentication Alternatives: Part 2 (www.unixpapa.com)
- Password protection in Microsoft Word criticized (news.com)
- 'Unfixable' Word password hole exposed (news.zdnet.co.uk)
- Real offers new tech, song store (news.com)
- Web Services? What has the industry been smoking? (www.artima.com)
- Now it's Ancestors Reunited (www.guardian.co.uk)
- Banished Words List :: 2004 (www.lssu.edu)
- A steady dose of realtime interruptions is toxic to anyone's health. (www.acmqueue.com)
Readings in 2003
Readings in 2002
Readings in 2001
Readings in 2000
Readings in 1999
Readings in 1998
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Copyright 2004 Elliotte Rusty Harold
Last Modified January 15, 2004