Class Element

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Element
extends java.lang.Object
implements, java.lang.Cloneable

Element defines behavior for an XML element, modeled in Java. Methods allow the user to obtain the value of the element's textual content, obtain its attributes, and get its children.

$Revision: 1.116 $, $Date: 2002/03/30 08:25:32 $
Brett McLaughlin, Jason Hunter, Lucas Gonze, Kevin Regan, Dan Schaffer, Yusuf Goolamabbas, Kent C. Johnson, Jools Enticknap, Alex Rosen, Bradley S. Huffman
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  java.util.List additionalNamespaces
          Additional Namespace declarations on this element
protected  org.jdom.AttributeList attributes
          The attributes of the Element.
protected  org.jdom.ContentList content
          The mixed content of the Element.
protected  java.lang.String name
          The local name of the Element
protected  Namespace namespace
          The Namespace of the Element
protected  java.lang.Object parent
          Parent element, document, or null if none
Constructor Summary
protected Element()
           This protected constructor is provided in order to support an Element subclass that wants full control over variable initialization.
  Element(java.lang.String name)
           This will create an Element in no Namespace.
  Element(java.lang.String name, Namespace namespace)
           This will create a new Element with the supplied (local) name, and define the Namespace to be used.
  Element(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String uri)
           This will create a new Element with the supplied (local) name, and specifies the URI of the Namespace the Element should be in, resulting it being unprefixed (in the default namespace).
  Element(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String uri)
           This will create a new Element with the supplied (local) name, and specifies the prefix and URI of the Namespace the Element should be in.
Method Summary
 Element addContent(CDATA cdata)
           This adds a CDATA section as content to this element.
 Element addContent(Comment comment)
           This adds a comment as content to this element.
 Element addContent(Element element)
           This adds element content to this element.
 Element addContent(EntityRef entity)
           This adds entity content to this element.
 Element addContent(ProcessingInstruction pi)
           This adds a processing instruction as content to this element.
 Element addContent(java.lang.String str)
           This adds text content to this element.
 Element addContent(Text text)
           This adds text content to this element.
 void addNamespaceDeclaration(Namespace additional)
           This will add a namespace declarations to this element.
 java.lang.Object clone()
           This returns a deep clone of this element.
 Element detach()
           This detaches the element from its parent, or does nothing if the element has no parent.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object ob)
           This tests for equality of this Element to the supplied Object, explicitly using the == operator.
 java.util.List getAdditionalNamespaces()
           This will return any namespace declarations on this element that exist, excluding the namespace of the element itself, which can be obtained through getNamespace().
 Attribute getAttribute(java.lang.String name)
           This returns the attribute for this element with the given name and within no namespace, or null if no such attribute exists.
 Attribute getAttribute(java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
           This returns the attribute for this element with the given name and within the given Namespace, or null if no such attribute exists.
 java.util.List getAttributes()
           This returns the complete set of attributes for this element, as a List of Attribute objects in no particular order, or an empty list if there are none.
 java.lang.String getAttributeValue(java.lang.String name)
           This returns the attribute value for the attribute with the given name and within no namespace, null if there is no such attribute, and the empty string if the attribute value is empty.
 java.lang.String getAttributeValue(java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
           This returns the attribute value for the attribute with the given name and within the given Namespace, null if there is no such attribute, and the empty string if the attribute value is empty.
 java.lang.String getAttributeValue(java.lang.String name, Namespace ns, java.lang.String def)
           This returns the attribute value for the attribute with the given name and within the given Namespace, or the passed-in default if there is no such attribute.
 java.lang.String getAttributeValue(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String def)
           This returns the attribute value for the attribute with the given name and within no namespace, or the passed-in default if there is no such attribute.
 Element getChild(java.lang.String name)
           This returns the first child element within this element with the given local name and belonging to no namespace.
 Element getChild(java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
           This returns the first child element within this element with the given local name and belonging to the given namespace.
 java.util.List getChildren()
           This returns a List of all the child elements nested directly (one level deep) within this element, as Element objects.
 java.util.List getChildren(java.lang.String name)
           This returns a List of all the child elements nested directly (one level deep) within this element with the given local name and belonging to no namespace, returned as Element objects.
 java.util.List getChildren(java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
           This returns a List of all the child elements nested directly (one level deep) within this element with the given local name and belonging to the given Namespace, returned as Element objects.
 java.lang.String getChildText(java.lang.String name)
           This convenience method returns the textual content of the named child element, or returns an empty String ("") if the child has no textual content.
 java.lang.String getChildText(java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
           This convenience method returns the textual content of the named child element, or returns null if there's no such child.
 java.lang.String getChildTextNormalize(java.lang.String name)
           This convenience method returns the normalized textual content of the named child element, or returns null if there's no such child.
 java.lang.String getChildTextNormalize(java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
           This convenience method returns the normalized textual content of the named child element, or returns null if there's no such child.
 java.lang.String getChildTextTrim(java.lang.String name)
           This convenience method returns the trimmed textual content of the named child element, or returns null if there's no such child.
 java.lang.String getChildTextTrim(java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
           This convenience method returns the trimmed textual content of the named child element, or returns null if there's no such child.
 java.util.List getContent()
           This returns the full content of the element as a List which may contain objects of type Text, Element, Comment, ProcessingInstruction, CDATA, and EntityRef.
 java.util.List getContent(Filter filter)
           Return a filter view of this Element's content.
 Document getDocument()
           This retrieves the owning Document for this Element, or null if not a currently a member of a Document.
 java.lang.String getName()
           This returns the (local) name of the Element, without any namespace prefix, if one exists.
 Namespace getNamespace()
           This will return this Element's Namespace.
 Namespace getNamespace(java.lang.String prefix)
           This returns the Namespace in scope on this element for the given prefix (this involves searching up the tree, so the results depend on the current location of the element).
 java.lang.String getNamespacePrefix()
           This returns the namespace prefix of the Element, if one exists.
 java.lang.String getNamespaceURI()
           This returns the URI mapped to this Element's prefix (or the default namespace if no prefix).
 Element getParent()
           This will return the parent of this Element.
 java.lang.String getQualifiedName()
           This returns the full name of the Element, in the form [namespacePrefix]:[localName].
 java.lang.String getText()
           This returns the textual content directly held under this element.
 java.lang.String getTextNormalize()
           This returns the textual content of this element with all surrounding whitespace removed and internal whitespace normalized to a single space.
 java.lang.String getTextTrim()
           This returns the textual content of this element with all surrounding whitespace removed.
 boolean hasChildren()
           Test whether this element has a child element.
 int hashCode()
           This returns the hash code for this Element.
 boolean isAncestor(Element element)
           Determines if this element is the ancestor of another element.
 boolean isRootElement()
           This returns a boolean value indicating whether this Element is a root Element for a JDOM Document.
 boolean removeAttribute(Attribute attribute)
           This removes the supplied Attribute should it exist.
 boolean removeAttribute(java.lang.String name)
           This removes the attribute with the given name and within no namespace.
 boolean removeAttribute(java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
           This removes the attribute with the given name and within the given Namespace.
 boolean removeChild(java.lang.String name)
           This removes the first child element (one level deep) with the given local name and belonging to no namespace.
 boolean removeChild(java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
           This removes the first child element (one level deep) with the given local name and belonging to the given namespace.
 boolean removeChildren()
           This removes all child elements.
 boolean removeChildren(java.lang.String name)
           This removes all child elements (one level deep) with the given local name and belonging to no namespace.
 boolean removeChildren(java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
           This removes all child elements (one level deep) with the given local name and belonging to the given namespace.
 boolean removeContent(CDATA cdata)
           This removes the specified CDATA.
 boolean removeContent(Comment comment)
           This removes the specified Comment.
 boolean removeContent(Element element)
           This removes the specified Element.
 boolean removeContent(EntityRef entity)
           This removes the specified EntityRef.
 boolean removeContent(ProcessingInstruction pi)
           This removes the specified ProcessingInstruction.
 boolean removeContent(Text text)
           This removes the specified Text.
 void removeNamespaceDeclaration(Namespace additionalNamespace)
           This will remove a namespace declarations from this element.
 Element setAttribute(Attribute attribute)
           This sets an attribute value for this element.
 Element setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
           This sets an attribute value for this element.
 Element setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, Namespace ns)
           This sets an attribute value for this element.
 Element setAttributes(java.util.List newAttributes)
           This sets the attributes of the element.
 Element setChildren(java.util.List children)
           This sets the content of the element the same as setContent(java.util.List), except only Element objects are allowed in the supplied list.
 Element setContent(java.util.List newContent)
           This sets the content of the element.
protected  Element setDocument(Document document)
           This sets the Document parent of this element and makes it the root element.
 Element setName(java.lang.String name)
           This sets the (local) name of the Element.
 Element setNamespace(Namespace namespace)
           This sets this Element's Namespace.
protected  Element setParent(Element parent)
           This will set the parent of this Element.
 Element setText(java.lang.String text)
           This sets the content of the element to be the text given.
 java.lang.String toString()
           This returns a String representation of the Element, suitable for debugging.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.lang.String name
The local name of the Element


protected transient Namespace namespace
The Namespace of the Element


protected transient java.util.List additionalNamespaces
Additional Namespace declarations on this element


protected java.lang.Object parent
Parent element, document, or null if none


protected org.jdom.AttributeList attributes
The attributes of the Element.


protected org.jdom.ContentList content
The mixed content of the Element.
Constructor Detail


protected Element()

This protected constructor is provided in order to support an Element subclass that wants full control over variable initialization. It intentionally leaves all instance variables null, allowing a lightweight subclass implementation. The subclass is responsible for ensuring all the get and set methods on Element behave as documented.

When implementing an Element subclass which doesn't require full control over variable initialization, be aware that simply calling super() (or letting the compiler add the implicit super() call) will not initialize the instance variables which will cause many of the methods to throw a NullPointerException. Therefore, the constructor for these subclasses should call one of the public constructors so variable initialization is handled automatically.


public Element(java.lang.String name,
               Namespace namespace)

This will create a new Element with the supplied (local) name, and define the Namespace to be used. If the provided namespace is null, the element will have no namespace.

name - String name of element.
namespace - Namespace to put element in.


public Element(java.lang.String name)

This will create an Element in no Namespace.

name - String name of element.


public Element(java.lang.String name,
               java.lang.String uri)

This will create a new Element with the supplied (local) name, and specifies the URI of the Namespace the Element should be in, resulting it being unprefixed (in the default namespace).

name - String name of element.
uri - String URI for Namespace element should be in.


public Element(java.lang.String name,
               java.lang.String prefix,
               java.lang.String uri)

This will create a new Element with the supplied (local) name, and specifies the prefix and URI of the Namespace the Element should be in.

name - String name of element.
uri - String URI for Namespace element should be in.
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getName()

This returns the (local) name of the Element, without any namespace prefix, if one exists.

String - element name.


public Element setName(java.lang.String name)

This sets the (local) name of the Element.

Element - the element modified.
IllegalNameException - if the given name is illegal as an Element name.


public Namespace getNamespace()

This will return this Element's Namespace.

Namespace - Namespace object for this Element


public Element setNamespace(Namespace namespace)

This sets this Element's Namespace. If the provided namespace is null, the element will have no namespace.

Element - the element modified.


public java.lang.String getNamespacePrefix()

This returns the namespace prefix of the Element, if one exists. Otherwise, an empty String is returned.

String - namespace prefix.


public java.lang.String getNamespaceURI()

This returns the URI mapped to this Element's prefix (or the default namespace if no prefix). If no mapping is found, an empty String is returned.

String - namespace URI for this Element.


public Namespace getNamespace(java.lang.String prefix)

This returns the Namespace in scope on this element for the given prefix (this involves searching up the tree, so the results depend on the current location of the element). It returns null if there is no Namespace in scope with the given prefix at this point in the document.

prefix - namespace prefix to look up
Namespace - namespace in scope for the given prefix on this Element, or null if none.


public java.lang.String getQualifiedName()

This returns the full name of the Element, in the form [namespacePrefix]:[localName]. If no namespace prefix exists for the Element, simply the local name is returned.

String - full name of element.


public void addNamespaceDeclaration(Namespace additional)

This will add a namespace declarations to this element. This should not be used to add the declaration for this element itself; that should be assigned in the construction of the element. Instead, this is for adding namespace declarations on the element not relating directly to itself.

additional - Namespace to add.
IllegalAddException - if the namespace prefix collides with another namespace prefix on the element.


public void removeNamespaceDeclaration(Namespace additionalNamespace)

This will remove a namespace declarations from this element. This should not be used to remove the declaration for this element itself; that should be handled in the construction of the element. Instead, this is for removing namespace declarations on the element not relating directly to itself. If the declaration is not present, this method does nothing.

additionalNamespace - Namespace to remove.


public java.util.List getAdditionalNamespaces()

This will return any namespace declarations on this element that exist, excluding the namespace of the element itself, which can be obtained through getNamespace(). If there are no additional declarations, this returns an empty list. Note, the returned list is not live, for performance reasons.

List - the additional namespace declarations.


public Element getParent()

This will return the parent of this Element. If there is no parent, then this returns null. Also note that on its own, this is not 100% sufficient to see if the Element is not in use - this should be used in tandem with isRootElement() to determine this.

parent of this Element.


protected Element setParent(Element parent)

This will set the parent of this Element. The caller is responsible for handling pre-existing parentage.

parent - Element to be new parent.
Element - this Element modified.


public Element detach()

This detaches the element from its parent, or does nothing if the element has no parent.

Element - this Element modified.


public boolean isRootElement()

This returns a boolean value indicating whether this Element is a root Element for a JDOM Document. This should be used in tandem with getParent() to determine if an Element has no "attachments" to parents.

boolean - whether this is a root element.


protected Element setDocument(Document document)

This sets the Document parent of this element and makes it the root element. The caller is responsible for ensuring the element doesn't have a pre-existing parent.

document - Document parent
Document this Element modified


public Document getDocument()

This retrieves the owning Document for this Element, or null if not a currently a member of a Document.

Document owning this Element, or null.


public java.lang.String getText()

This returns the textual content directly held under this element. This will include all text within this single element, including whitespace and CDATA sections if they exist. It's essentially the concatenation of all Text and CDATA nodes returned by getContent(). The call does not recurse into child elements. If no textual value exists for the element, an empty String ("") is returned.

text content for this element, or empty string if none


public java.lang.String getTextTrim()

This returns the textual content of this element with all surrounding whitespace removed. If no textual value exists for the element, or if only whitespace exists, the empty string is returned.

trimmed text content for this element, or empty string if none


public java.lang.String getTextNormalize()

This returns the textual content of this element with all surrounding whitespace removed and internal whitespace normalized to a single space. If no textual value exists for the element, or if only whitespace exists, the empty string is returned.

normalized text content for this element, or empty string if none


public java.lang.String getChildText(java.lang.String name)

This convenience method returns the textual content of the named child element, or returns an empty String ("") if the child has no textual content. However, if the child does not exist, null is returned.

name - the name of the child
text content for the named child, or null if none


public java.lang.String getChildTextTrim(java.lang.String name)

This convenience method returns the trimmed textual content of the named child element, or returns null if there's no such child. See getTextTrim() for details of text trimming.

name - the name of the child
trimmed text content for the named child, or null if none


public java.lang.String getChildTextNormalize(java.lang.String name)

This convenience method returns the normalized textual content of the named child element, or returns null if there's no such child. See getTextNormalize() for details of text normalizing.

name - the name of the child
normalized text content for the named child, or null if none


public java.lang.String getChildText(java.lang.String name,
                                     Namespace ns)

This convenience method returns the textual content of the named child element, or returns null if there's no such child.

name - the name of the child
ns - the namespace of the child
text content for the named child, or null if none


public java.lang.String getChildTextTrim(java.lang.String name,
                                         Namespace ns)

This convenience method returns the trimmed textual content of the named child element, or returns null if there's no such child. See getTextTrim() for details of text trimming.

name - the name of the child
ns - the namespace of the child
trimmed text content for the named child, or null if none


public java.lang.String getChildTextNormalize(java.lang.String name,
                                              Namespace ns)

This convenience method returns the normalized textual content of the named child element, or returns null if there's no such child. See getTextNormalize() for details of text normalizing.

name - the name of the child
ns - the namespace of the child
normalized text content for the named child, or null if none


public Element setText(java.lang.String text)

This sets the content of the element to be the text given. All existing text content and non-text context is removed. If this element should have both textual content and nested elements, use setContent(java.util.List) instead. Setting a null text value is equivalent to setting an empty string value.

text - new content for the element
this element modified


public java.util.List getContent()

This returns the full content of the element as a List which may contain objects of type Text, Element, Comment, ProcessingInstruction, CDATA, and EntityRef. The List returned is "live" in document order and modifications to it affect the element's actual contents. Whitespace content is returned in its entirety.

Sequential traversal through the List is best done with an Iterator since the underlying implement of List.size() may require walking the entire list.

a List containing the mixed content of the element: may contain Text, Element, Comment, ProcessingInstruction, CDATA, and EntityRef objects.


public java.util.List getContent(Filter filter)

Return a filter view of this Element's content.

Sequential traversal through the List is best done with a Iterator since the underlying implement of List.size() may require walking the entire list.

filter - Filter to apply
List - filtered Element content


public Element setContent(java.util.List newContent)

This sets the content of the element. The supplied List should contain only objects of type Element, Text, CDATA, Comment, ProcessingInstruction, and EntityRef.

When all objects in the supplied List are legal and before the new content is added, all objects in the old content will have their parentage set to null (no parent) and the old content list will be cleared. This has the effect that any active list (previously obtained with a call to getContent() or getChildren()) will also change to reflect the new content. In addition, all objects in the supplied List will have their parentage set to this element, but the List itself will not be "live" and further removals and additions will have no effect on this elements content. If the user wants to continue working with a "live" list, then a call to setContent should be followed by a call to getContent() or getChildren() to obtain a "live" version of the content.

Passing a null or empty List clears the existing content.

In event of an exception the original content will be unchanged and the objects in the supplied content will be unaltered.

newContent - List of content to set
this element modified
IllegalAddException - if the List contains objects of illegal types.


public boolean hasChildren()

Test whether this element has a child element. This method can be used before a call to getContent(), which always creates a "live" list, to improve performance.

true if this element has at least one child element


public java.util.List getChildren()

This returns a List of all the child elements nested directly (one level deep) within this element, as Element objects. If this target element has no nested elements, an empty List is returned. The returned list is "live" in document order and changes to it affect the element's actual contents.

Sequential traversal through the List is best done with a Iterator since the underlying implement of List.size() may not be the most efficient.

No recursion is performed, so elements nested two levels deep would have to be obtained with:

   Iterator itr = (currentElement.getChildren()).iterator();
   while(itr.hasNext()) {
     Element oneLevelDeep = (Element);
     List twoLevelsDeep = oneLevelDeep.getChildren();
     // Do something with these children

list of child Element objects for this element


public Element setChildren(java.util.List children)

This sets the content of the element the same as setContent(java.util.List), except only Element objects are allowed in the supplied list.

children - List of Element objects to add
this element modified


public java.util.List getChildren(java.lang.String name)

This returns a List of all the child elements nested directly (one level deep) within this element with the given local name and belonging to no namespace, returned as Element objects. If this target element has no nested elements with the given name outside a namespace, an empty List is returned. The returned list is "live" in document order and changes to it affect the element's actual contents.

Please see the notes for getChildren() for a code example.

name - local name for the children to match
all matching child elements


public java.util.List getChildren(java.lang.String name,
                                  Namespace ns)

This returns a List of all the child elements nested directly (one level deep) within this element with the given local name and belonging to the given Namespace, returned as Element objects. If this target element has no nested elements with the given name in the given Namespace, an empty List is returned. The returned list is "live" in document order and changes to it affect the element's actual contents.

Please see the notes for getChildren() for a code example.

name - local name for the children to match
ns - Namespace to search within
all matching child elements


public Element getChild(java.lang.String name,
                        Namespace ns)

This returns the first child element within this element with the given local name and belonging to the given namespace. If no elements exist for the specified name and namespace, null is returned.

name - local name of child element to match
ns - Namespace to search within
the first matching child element, or null if not found


public Element getChild(java.lang.String name)

This returns the first child element within this element with the given local name and belonging to no namespace. If no elements exist for the specified name and namespace, null is returned.

name - local name of child element to match
the first matching child element, or null if not found


public Element addContent(java.lang.String str)

This adds text content to this element. It does not replace the existing content as does setText().

str - String to add
this element modified


public Element addContent(Text text)

This adds text content to this element. It does not replace the existing content as does setText().

text - Text to add
this element modified


public Element addContent(CDATA cdata)

This adds a CDATA section as content to this element.

cdata - CDATA to add
this element modified


public Element addContent(Element element)

This adds element content to this element.

element - Element to add
this element modified
IllegalAddException - if the element you're attempting to add already has a parent element, or if you're attempting to add it as a descendent of itself (which would result in a recursive element definition!).


public Element addContent(ProcessingInstruction pi)

This adds a processing instruction as content to this element.

pi - ProcessingInstruction to add
this element modified
IllegalAddException - if the given processing instruction, pi, already has a parent.


public Element addContent(EntityRef entity)

This adds entity content to this element.

entity - EntityRef to add
this element modified
IllegalAddException - if the given EntityRef already has a parent.


public Element addContent(Comment comment)

This adds a comment as content to this element.

comment - Comment to add
this element modified
IllegalAddException - if the given Comment already has a parent.


public boolean isAncestor(Element element)

Determines if this element is the ancestor of another element.

element - Element to check against
true if this element is the ancestor of the supplied element


public boolean removeChild(java.lang.String name)

This removes the first child element (one level deep) with the given local name and belonging to no namespace. Returns true if a child was removed.

name - the name of child elements to remove
whether deletion occurred


public boolean removeChild(java.lang.String name,
                           Namespace ns)

This removes the first child element (one level deep) with the given local name and belonging to the given namespace. Returns true if a child was removed.

name - the name of child element to remove
ns - Namespace to search within
whether deletion occurred


public boolean removeChildren(java.lang.String name)

This removes all child elements (one level deep) with the given local name and belonging to no namespace. Returns true if any were removed.

name - the name of child elements to remove
whether deletion occurred


public boolean removeChildren(java.lang.String name,
                              Namespace ns)

This removes all child elements (one level deep) with the given local name and belonging to the given namespace. Returns true if any were removed.

name - the name of child elements to remove
ns - Namespace to search within
whether deletion occurred


public boolean removeChildren()

This removes all child elements. Returns true if any were removed.

whether deletion occurred


public java.util.List getAttributes()

This returns the complete set of attributes for this element, as a List of Attribute objects in no particular order, or an empty list if there are none. The returned list is "live" and changes to it affect the element's actual attributes.

attributes for the element


public Attribute getAttribute(java.lang.String name)

This returns the attribute for this element with the given name and within no namespace, or null if no such attribute exists.

name - name of the attribute to return
attribute for the element


public Attribute getAttribute(java.lang.String name,
                              Namespace ns)

This returns the attribute for this element with the given name and within the given Namespace, or null if no such attribute exists.

name - name of the attribute to return
ns - Namespace to search within
attribute for the element


public java.lang.String getAttributeValue(java.lang.String name)

This returns the attribute value for the attribute with the given name and within no namespace, null if there is no such attribute, and the empty string if the attribute value is empty.

name - name of the attribute whose value to be returned
the named attribute's value, or null if no such attribute


public java.lang.String getAttributeValue(java.lang.String name,
                                          Namespace ns,
                                          java.lang.String def)

This returns the attribute value for the attribute with the given name and within the given Namespace, or the passed-in default if there is no such attribute.

name - name of the attribute whose valud is to be returned
ns - Namespace to search within
def - a default value to return if the attribute does not exist
the named attribute's value, or the default if no such attribute


public java.lang.String getAttributeValue(java.lang.String name,
                                          java.lang.String def)

This returns the attribute value for the attribute with the given name and within no namespace, or the passed-in default if there is no such attribute.

name - name of the attribute whose value to be returned
def - a default value to return if the attribute does not exist
the named attribute's value, or the default if no such attribute


public java.lang.String getAttributeValue(java.lang.String name,
                                          Namespace ns)

This returns the attribute value for the attribute with the given name and within the given Namespace, null if there is no such attribute, and the empty string if the attribute value is empty.

name - name of the attribute whose valud is to be returned
ns - Namespace to search within
the named attribute's value, or null if no such attribute


public Element setAttributes(java.util.List newAttributes)

This sets the attributes of the element. The supplied List should contain only objects of type Attribute.

When all objects in the supplied List are legal and before the new attributes are added, all old attributes will have their parentage set to null (no parent) and the old attribute list will be cleared. This has the effect that any active attribute list (previously obtained with a call to getAttributes()) will also change to reflect the new attributes. In addition, all attributes in the supplied List will have their parentage set to this element, but the List itself will not be "live" and further removals and additions will have no effect on this elements attributes. If the user wants to continue working with a "live" attribute list, then a call to setAttributes should be followed by a call to getAttributes() to obtain a "live" version of the attributes.

Passing a null or empty List clears the existing attributes.

In cases where the List contains duplicate attributes, only the last one will be retained. This has the same effect as calling setAttribute(Attribute) sequentially.

In event of an exception the original attributes will be unchanged and the attributes in the supplied attributes will be unaltered.

attributes - List of attributes to set
this element modified
IllegalAddException - if the List contains objects of illegal types.


public Element setAttribute(java.lang.String name,
                            java.lang.String value)

This sets an attribute value for this element. Any existing attribute with the same name and namespace URI is removed.

name - name of the attribute to set
value - value of the attribute to set
this element modified


public Element setAttribute(java.lang.String name,
                            java.lang.String value,
                            Namespace ns)

This sets an attribute value for this element. Any existing attribute with the same name and namespace URI is removed.

name - name of the attribute to set
value - value of the attribute to set
ns - namespace of the attribute to set
this element modified


public Element setAttribute(Attribute attribute)

This sets an attribute value for this element. Any existing attribute with the same name and namespace URI is removed.

attribute - Attribute to set
this element modified
IllegalAddException - if the attribute being added already has a parent or if the attribute namespace prefix collides with another namespace prefix on the element.


public boolean removeAttribute(java.lang.String name)

This removes the attribute with the given name and within no namespace. If no such attribute exists, this method does nothing.

name - name of attribute to remove
whether the attribute was removed


public boolean removeAttribute(java.lang.String name,
                               Namespace ns)

This removes the attribute with the given name and within the given Namespace. If no such attribute exists, this method does nothing.

name - name of attribute to remove
ns - namespace URI of attribute to remove
whether the attribute was removed


public boolean removeAttribute(Attribute attribute)

This removes the supplied Attribute should it exist.

attribute - Reference to the attribute to be removed.
whether the attribute was removed


public boolean removeContent(Element element)

This removes the specified Element. If the specified Element is not a child of this Element, this method does nothing.

child - Element to delete
whether deletion occurred


public boolean removeContent(ProcessingInstruction pi)

This removes the specified ProcessingInstruction. If the specified ProcessingInstruction is not a child of this Element, this method does nothing.

child - ProcessingInstruction to delete
whether deletion occurred


public boolean removeContent(Comment comment)

This removes the specified Comment. If the specified Comment is not a child of this Element, this method does nothing.

comment - Comment to delete
whether deletion occurred


public boolean removeContent(CDATA cdata)

This removes the specified CDATA. If the specified CDATA is not a child of this Element, this method does nothing.

cdata - CDATA to delete
whether deletion occurred


public boolean removeContent(Text text)

This removes the specified Text. If the specified Text is not a child of this Element, this method does nothing.

text - Text to delete
whether deletion occurred


public boolean removeContent(EntityRef entity)

This removes the specified EntityRef. If the specified EntityRef is not a child of this Element, this method does nothing.

child - EntityRef to delete
whether deletion occurred


public java.lang.String toString()

This returns a String representation of the Element, suitable for debugging. If the XML representation of the Element is desired, XMLOutputter.outputString(Element) should be used.

toString in class java.lang.Object
String - information about the Element


public final boolean equals(java.lang.Object ob)

This tests for equality of this Element to the supplied Object, explicitly using the == operator.

equals in class java.lang.Object
ob - Object to compare to
whether the elements are equal


public final int hashCode()

This returns the hash code for this Element.

hashCode in class java.lang.Object
inherited hash code


public java.lang.Object clone()

This returns a deep clone of this element. The new element is detached from its parent, and getParent() on the clone will return null.

clone in class java.lang.Object
the clone of this element

Copyright © 2002 Jason Hunter, Brett McLaughlin. All Rights Reserved.