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BadEncodingAttributeException - Exception in nu.xom.xinclude
Indicates that the encoding attribute is not an EncName as defined in the XML specification, section 4.3.3, rule 81.
BadEncodingAttributeException(String) - Constructor for exception nu.xom.xinclude.BadEncodingAttributeException
Constructs a BadEncodingAttributeException with the specified detail message.
BadEncodingAttributeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nu.xom.xinclude.BadEncodingAttributeException
Creates a new BadEncodingAttributeException with a detail message and the URI of the document that caused the exception.
BadHrefAttributeException - Exception in nu.xom.xinclude
Indicates that an href attribute contains an illegal value, such as a URI with a fragment identifier, or a syntactically incorrect IRI.
BadHrefAttributeException(String) - Constructor for exception nu.xom.xinclude.BadHrefAttributeException
Constructs a BadHrefAttributeException with the specified detail message.
BadHrefAttributeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nu.xom.xinclude.BadHrefAttributeException
Creates a new BadHrefAttributeException with a detail message and the URI of the document that caused the exception.
BadHTTPHeaderException - Exception in nu.xom.xinclude
Indicates that an accept or accept-language attribute contains C0 control characters (including linefeed, tab, or carriage return) or non-ASCII characters.
BadHTTPHeaderException(String) - Constructor for exception nu.xom.xinclude.BadHTTPHeaderException
Constructs a BadHTTPHeaderException with the specified detail message.
BadHTTPHeaderException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nu.xom.xinclude.BadHTTPHeaderException
Creates a new BadHTTPHeaderException with a detail message and a URI of the document that caused the exception.
BadParseAttributeException - Exception in nu.xom.xinclude
Indicates that the parse attribute has some value other than xml or text.
BadParseAttributeException(String) - Constructor for exception nu.xom.xinclude.BadParseAttributeException
Constructs a BadParseAttributeException with the specified detail message.
BadParseAttributeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nu.xom.xinclude.BadParseAttributeException
Creates a new BadParseAttributeException with a detail message and the URI of the document that caused the exception.
breakLine() - Method in class nu.xom.Serializer
Writes the current line break string onto the underlying output stream and indents as specified by the current level and the indent property.
build(String) - Method in class nu.xom.Builder
Parses the document at the specified URL.
build(InputStream) - Method in class nu.xom.Builder
Reads the document from an input stream.
build(InputStream, String) - Method in class nu.xom.Builder
Reads the document from an input stream while specifying a base URI (which need not be the stream's actual URI).
build(File) - Method in class nu.xom.Builder
Reads the document from a file.
build(Reader) - Method in class nu.xom.Builder
Reads the document from a reader.
build(Reader, String) - Method in class nu.xom.Builder
Reads the document from a character stream while specifying a base URI.
build(String, String) - Method in class nu.xom.Builder
Reads the document from the contents of a string.
Builder - Class in nu.xom
This class is responsible for creating XOM Document objects from a URL, file, string, or input stream by reading an XML document.
Builder() - Constructor for class nu.xom.Builder
Creates a Builder that uses the default node factory and chooses among any available SAX2 parsers.
Builder(boolean) - Constructor for class nu.xom.Builder
Creates a Builder based on an optionally validating parser.
Builder(boolean, NodeFactory) - Constructor for class nu.xom.Builder
Creates a Builder based on an optionally validating parser that builds node objects with the supplied factory.
Builder(XMLReader) - Constructor for class nu.xom.Builder
Creates a Builder that uses the specified SAX XMLReader.
Builder(NodeFactory) - Constructor for class nu.xom.Builder
Creates a Builder that uses the specified NodeFactory to create node objects.
Builder(XMLReader, boolean) - Constructor for class nu.xom.Builder
Creates a optionally validating Builder based on the specified parser object.
Builder(XMLReader, boolean, NodeFactory) - Constructor for class nu.xom.Builder
Creates an optionally validating Builder that reads data from the specified parser object and constructs new nodes using the specified factory object.
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