
package org.jdom.input;

public class SAXBuilder {

  public SAXBuilder(String saxDriverClassName, boolean validate) {}
  public SAXBuilder(String saxDriverClassName) {}
  public SAXBuilder(boolean validate) {}
  public SAXBuilder() {}

  // The basic builder method
  protected Document build(InputSource in) throws JDOMException {}

  // These all just convert their arguments to a SAX InputSource
  // and call the protected build() method:
  public Document build(InputStream in) throws JDOMException {}
  public Document build(File file) throws JDOMException {}
  public Document build(URL url) throws JDOMException {}
  public Document build(InputStream in, String systemID) throws JDOMException {}
  public Document build(Reader in) throws JDOMException {}
  public Document build(Reader in, String systemID) throws JDOMException {}
  public Document build(String systemID) {}

  // Configuration methods
  public void setErrorHandler(org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler errorHandler) {}
  public void setEntityResolver(org.xml.sax.EntityResolver entityResolver) {}


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Copyright 2000 Elliotte Rusty Harold
Last Modified August 5, 2000