Extends the DOM NodeEditAS
interface with methods for determining the legal attributes and children of an element.
Java binding:
package org.w3c.dom.as;
public interface ElementEditAS extends NodeEditAS {
public NodeList getDefinedElementTypes();
public short contentType();
public boolean canSetAttribute(String name, String value);
public boolean canSetAttributeNode(Attr attrNode);
public boolean canSetAttributeNS(String name, String value, String namespaceURI);
public boolean canRemoveAttribute(String name);
public boolean canRemoveAttributeNS(String name, String namespaceURI);
public boolean canRemoveAttributeNode(Node attrNode);
public NodeList getChildElements();
public NodeList getParentElements();
public NodeList getAttributeList();
public boolean isElementDefined(String elemTypeName);
public boolean isElementDefinedNS(String elemTypeName,
String namespaceURI, String name);
interface ElementEditAS : NodeEditAS {
readonly attribute NodeList definedElementTypes;
unsigned short contentType();
boolean canSetAttribute(in DOMString attrname, in DOMString attrval);
boolean canSetAttributeNode(in Attr attrNode);
boolean canSetAttributeNS(in DOMString name, in DOMString attrval, in DOMString namespaceURI);
boolean canRemoveAttribute(in DOMString attrname);
boolean canRemoveAttributeNS(in DOMString attrname, in DOMString namespaceURI);
boolean canRemoveAttributeNode(in Node attrNode);
NodeList getChildElements();
NodeList getParentElements();
NodeList getAttributeList();
boolean isElementDefined(in DOMString elemTypeName);
boolean isElementDefinedNS(in DOMString elemTypeName, in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString name);