An Element Information Item includes:
namespace name
local name
children: a list of element, processing instruction, unexpanded entity reference, character, and comment information items, one for each element, processing instruction, unexpanded entity reference, data character, and comment appearing immediately within the current element
attributes: an unordered set of attribute information items, one for each of the attributes
(specified or defaulted from the DTD) of this element. xmlns
declarations are not include.
declared namespaces: an unordered set of namespace declaration information items, one for each of the namespaces declared either in the start-tag of this element or defaulted from the DTD.
in-scope namespaces: An unordered set of namespace declaration information items, one for each of the namespaces in effect for this element
base URI: The absolute URI of the external entity in which this element appears, as defined in XML Base. If this is not known, this property is null.