The Element Class
package org.jdom;
public class Element implements Serializable, Cloneable {
protected String name;
protected Namespace namespace;
protected Element parent;
protected boolean isRootElement;
protected List attributes;
protected List content;
protected Element() {}
public Element(String name, Namespace namespace) {}
public Element(String name) {}
public Element(String name, String uri) {}
public Element(String name, String prefix, String uri) {}
public String getName() {}
public Namespace getNamespace() {}
public String getNamespacePrefix() {}
public String getNamespaceURI() {}
public String getQualifiedName() {}
public Element getParent() {}
protected Element setParent(Element parent) {}
public boolean isRootElement() {}
protected Element setIsRootElement(boolean isRootElement) {}
public String getText() {}
public String getTextTrim() {}
public boolean hasMixedContent() {}
public List getMixedContent() {}
public String getChildText(String name) {}
public String getChildTextTrim(String name) {}
public String getChildText(String name, Namespace ns) {}
public Element setMixedContent(List mixedContent) {}
public List getChildren() {}
public Element setChildren(List children) {}
public List getChildren(String name, Namespace ns) {}
// will be renamed, probably getElement() {}
public Element getChild(String name, Namespace ns) {}
public Element getChild(String name) {}
public boolean removeChild(String name) {}
public boolean removeChild(String name, Namespace ns) {}
public boolean removeChildren(String name) {}
public boolean removeChildren(String name, Namespace ns) {}
public boolean removeChildren() {}
public Element addContent(String text) {}
public Element addContent(Element element) {}
public Element addContent(ProcessingInstruction pi) {}
public Element addContent(Entity entity) {}
public Element addContent(Comment comment) {}
public Element addContent(CDATA cdata) {}
public boolean removeContent(Element element) {}
public boolean removeContent(ProcessingInstruction pi) {}
public boolean removeContent(Entity entity) {}
public boolean removeContent(Comment comment) {}
public List getAttributes() {}
public Attribute getAttribute(String name) {}
public Attribute getAttribute(String name, Namespace ns) {}
public String getAttributeValue(String name) {}
public String getAttributeValue(String name, Namespace ns) {}
public Element setAttributes(List attributes) {}
public Element addAttribute(Attribute attribute) {}
public Element addAttribute(String name, String value) {}
public boolean removeAttribute(String name, String uri) {}
public boolean removeAttribute(String name) {}
public boolean removeAttribute(String name, Namespace ns) {}
public Element getCopy(String name, Namespace ns) {}
public Element getCopy(String name, String uri) {}
public Element getCopy(String name, String prefix, String uri) {}
// Basic Utility Methods
public final String toString() {}
public final boolean equals(Object ob) {}
public final int hashCode() {}
public final Object clone() {}