The W3C CSS Working group has posted a working draft of CSS 2D Transforms Module Level 3:
The CSS visual formatting model describes a coordinate system within which each element is positioned. Positions and sizes in this coordinate space can be thought of as being expressed in pixels, starting in the upper left corner of the parent with positive values proceeding to the right and down.
This coordinate space can be modified with the ‘
’ property. Using transform, elements can be translated, rotated and scaled in two dimensional space. The coordinate space behaves as described in the coordinate system transformations section of the SVG 1.1 specification. This is a coordinate system with two axes: the X axis increases horizontally to the right; the Y axis increases vertically downwards.Specifying a value other than ‘
’ for the ‘transform
’ property establishes a new local coordinate system at the element that it is applied to. Transformations are cumulative. That is, elements establish their local coordinate system within the coordinate system of their parent. In this way, a ‘transform
’ property effectively accumulates all the ‘transform
’ properties of its ancestors. The accumulation of these transforms defines a current transformation matrix (CTM) for the element.The transform property does not affect the flow of the content surrounding the transformed element. However, the value of the overflow area takes into account transformed elements. This behavior is similar to what happens when elements are translated via relative positioning. Therefore, if the value of the ‘
’ property is ‘scroll
’ or ‘auto
’, scrollbars will appear as needed to see content that is transformed outside the visible area.
They've also published a working draft of CSS 3D Transforms Module Level 3:
This is an enhancement to the CSS Transforms specification which provides transforms in three dimensions. It should be read in conjunction with that specification.
This coordinate space can be modified with the ‘
’ property. Using transform, elements can be translated, rotated and scaled in two or three dimensional space. A perspective transform can also be applied to give a sense of depth to the way elements are displayed. In three dimensions, a Z axis is added, with positive z values conceptually rising perpendicularly out of the window toward the user and negative z values falling into the window away from the user.Any value other than ‘
’ for the transform results in the creation of both a stacking context and a containing block. The object acts as though position: relative has been specified, but also acts as a containing block for fixed positioned descendants. The position on the Z axis of a transformed element does not affect the order within a stacking context. With elements at the same z-index, objects are drawn in order of increasing z position.Note that while ‘
’ uses a three-dimensional coordinate system, the elements themselves are not three-dimensional objects. Instead, they exist on a two-dimensional plane (a flat surface) and have no depth.