XML News from Tuesday, May 9, 2006

The W3C XQuery working group has posted the second working drafts ofXQuery Update Facility and XQuery Update Facility Use Cases. XQuery as it currently exists is basically just SELECT in SQL terms. This is INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. More specifically it is:

According to spec editor Jonathan Robie:

The major changes in the XQuery Update Facility include a change to the grammar that eliminates superfluous and inconsistent use of curly braces, and a change to the compatibility matrix to eliminatehe incompatibility between primitive operations "insert into" and "insert into as last" when these operations are applied to the same target node.

The major changes in the XQuery Update Facility Use Cases include use of the new grammar and several new use cases, including updates on recursive structures, updates that create nilled elements, and an update that moves elements and attributes from one namespace to another.