Steve Palmer has released Vienna 2.0, an open source RSS/Atom client for Mac OS X has been released. Viennna is the first reader I've found acceptable for daily use; not great bit good enough. (Of course my standards for "good enough" are pretty high.) There's still one annoying AppleScript bug, and focus management is a little off. (i.e. the delete and arrow keys don't always work in the pane I expect them too.) However it's 90% there, and has all the basic features I require. I've also improved the experience a little by installing Feed Your Reader into Firefox so I can now add subscriptions to Vienna directly from Firefox.
Bill de Hora has posted the eighth public working draft of The Atom Publishing Protocol, a REST-based system for communicating with weblog servers. Significant examples here seem to be related to the handling of collections, media colections, and the their metadata. I'll be talking about this (and other Atom topics) next week at the New York PHP User's Group.
buldocs has released xnsdoc 1.1, a €49 payware "documentation generator for XML namespaces defined by W3C XML Schema in HTML in a JavaDoc like visualization. xnsdoc supports all common schema design practices like chameleon, russian doll, salami slice, venetian blind schemas or circular schema references. xnsdoc can be used from the command line, as an Apache Ant Task, as an Apache Maven Plugin, as an eclipse plugin or integrated as a custom tool in many XML development tools such as StylusStudio, oXygen XML or XMLWriter." Version 1.1 adds an Eclipse plugin and fixes bugs.