XML News from Thursday, November 10, 2005

I've posted the sixth beta of XOM 1.1, my free-as-in-speech (LGPL) dual streaming/tree-based API for processing XML with Java. Version 1.1 maintains backwards compatibility with XOM 1.0 while adding a number of important new features including XPath queries, document subset canonicalization, exclusive XML canonicalization, external XSLT parameters, and xml:id support. The API is now considered to be stable, and probably won't change before 1.1 final. Beta 6 fixes two bugs in the Canonicalizer and one bug in the Builder that could lead to malformed documents. Barring discovery of any more bugs, this should be the last beta before the final release of XOM 1.1. XOM requires Java 1.2 or later and is published under the LGPL.