XML News from Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Version 1.95.8 of expat, an open source XML parser written in C has been released. This release adds support for suspending and resuming the parser in mid-parse. This strikes me as an incredibly useful and unique feature that I can see a lot of uses for. A lot of things I've tried to do over the years would have been a lot easier if I had a way to stop the parser at a certain place. Various small bugs have also been fixed.

Speaking of expat, Late Night Software has released version 2.7 of its free-beer, expat based XML Tools AppleScript scripting addition. This release fixes a number of conformance bugs in earlier versions. Mac OS 8.5/AppleScript 1.3 or later are required. I'm told this is Mac OS X native, so maybe I was using it wrong before when it launched Classic on me? I need to explore this further.