Corrections to Chapter 5 of XML in a Nutshell, 2nd edition, XML Fundamentals

p. 82: There should be an accent mark over the ω in γιγνωσκει. That is, it should be "γιγνώσκει". The numeric character references below are correct.

p. 83: The same problem occurs in the fragment at the top of the page. There should be an accent mark over the ω in γιγνωσκει. That is, it should be "γιγνώσκει".

p. 83: In the first paragraph, the sentences "Character references may be used in element content, attribute values, and comments. They may not be used in element and attribute names, processing instruction targets, or XML keywords, such as DOCTYPE or ELEMENT." should be changed to "Character references are only recognized and replaced in element content and attribute values. They may not be used in element and attribute names, processing instruction targets, or XML keywords, such as DOCTYPE or ELEMENT. Character references can appear in comments and processing instruction data, but the parser does not recognize them there."

p. 83: In Example 5-3, the ENTITY declaration for lambda should use character 0x3BB, not 0x3CC; that is,

<!ENTITY lambda "&#x3BB;">

p. 84: In Example 5-4, the omicrons are swapped in the first text line. The omicron should come in the first syllable and the omicron with tonos in the second syllable. That is, it should read:


instead of


p. 85: The complete list of IANA language codes has moved to

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Copyright 2002, 2004 Elliotte Rusty Harold
Last Modified May 24, 2004