Examples from Chapter 5 of The XML Bible, Attributes, Empty Tags, and XSL
Listing 5-1: An abbreviated collection of major league baseball batting statistics from 1998 stored in attributes.
Listing 5-1 with an attached XSL style sheet
Listing 5-2: An XSL style sheet
Listing 5-3: An XSL style sheet with instructions to extract the SEASON element and YEAR attribute
Listing 5-4: An XSL style sheet with instructions to extract LEAGUE elements
Listing 5-5: An XSL style sheet with instructions to extract DIVISION and TEAM elements
Listing 5-6: An XSL style sheet that places players and their statistics in a table
Listing 5-7: An XSL style sheet that separates batters and pitchers
Listing 5-8: greeting.xml with an XSL style sheet
Listing 5-9: An XSL style sheet for greeting.xml
Copyright 1999
Elliotte Rusty Harold
Last Modified at March 30, 1999