Corrections to Chapter 20 of The XML Bible, Reading Document Type Definitions

p. 711: The caption of Listing 20-14 should read, "XHTML1-blkstruct.mod: the block structure module".

p.712: The first sentence in the Block-Presentational Module section should read, "The next module, XHTML1-blkpres.mod, shown in Listing 20-15, defines the hr and the center block-level presentational elements for both the transitional and the strict DTDs." That is, change "structural" to "presentational".

p.712: The caption of Listing 20-15 should read "XHTML1-blkpres.mod: the block presentational module".

p. 720: The caption of Listing 20-21 should read "XHTML1-frames.mod: the frames module".

p. 723: The first sentence in the Linking Module section should read, "The next module imported by both strict and transitional DTDs, XHTML1-linking.mod, shown in Listing 20-21, is another simple module that defines the linking elements a, base, and link."

p. 723: The caption of Listing 20-21 should read "XHTML1-linking.mod: the linking module".

p.737: In the first sentence of The Table Module section, "Listing 20-15" should be "Listing 20-27".

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Copyright 1999, 2000 Elliotte Rusty Harold
Last Modified October 7, 2000