Test case ibm-not-wf-P62-ibm62n06.xml: org.dom4j.io.aelfred.SAXDriver Failed

Test case ibm-not-wf-P62-ibm62n06.xml: org.dom4j.io.aelfred.SAXDriver Failed

Tests includeSect with wrong field ordering. The two external subset declarations occur before the key word "INCLUDE" in the includeSect in the file ibm62n06.dtd.

<?xml  version="1.0"?>
<!-- syntax test for Production 62-->
<!DOCTYPE animal SYSTEM "ibm62n06.dtd">
Negative test.  Wrong Ordering. External subset declaration prior to the keyword INCLUDE
Expected resultActual result for org.dom4j.io.aelfred.SAXDriver
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>