Tests EntityRef which is against P68 WFC: Entity Declared. The entity with the name "aaa" in the EntityRef in the AttValue in the STag of the element "root" is referred before declared.
<!DOCTYPE root [ <!ELEMENT root (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST root att CDATA #IMPLIED> <!--* Entity referenced before declared *--> <!ATTLIST root att1 CDATA "&aaa;"> <!ENTITY aaa "aString"> ]> <root/>
Expected result | Actual result for oracle.xml.parser.v2.SAXParser |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ConformanceResults> <startDocument/> <fatalError/> <endDocument/> </ConformanceResults> | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ConformanceResults> <startDocument/> <startElement> <namespaceURI/> <localName>root</localName> <qualifiedName>root</qualifiedName> <attributes> <attribute> <namespaceURI/> <localName>att1</localName> <qualifiedName>att1</qualifiedName> <value/> <type>CDATA</type> </attribute> </attributes> </startElement> <endElement> <namespaceURI/> <localName>root</localName> <qualifiedName>root</qualifiedName> </endElement> <fatalError/> </ConformanceResults> |